
I have been doing LeetCode and tackled the problem of the 3Sum and first I tried to do a O(nlogn) solution and after seeing the proposed solution I see that the solution is $O(n^2)$ or $O(n^2 \times \log n)$ and not only that but the problem is a highly researched topic so I don't think I found a better solution but can't see why my approach wouldn't work, can use help to figure it out.

The problem is the following
Find three numbers in an array such that $a + b + c = t$,
the LeetCode problem is slightly different in which you need to find the closest sum.

My code is the following:

  1. Sort the array.
  2.   Start with two pointers i=0 and j= last element of array
  3.     Use binary search between i and j to find m such that arr[m] == target - arr[i] - arr[j], if such m doesn't exist return m such that arr[m] is the closest.
  4.     If arr[i] + arr[m] + arr[j] == target then your finished.
  5.     Otherwise if arr[i] + arr[m] + arr[j] < target then add 1 to i else subtract 1 form j.
  6. Repeat 3 → 5 until j - i == 2
  7. Return the best found i,m,j

The logic in step 5 is that if the solution found is less than the target then we should increase i such that our next guess is bigger.


def binSearch(arr, s, e, t):
    m = (s + e) // 2
    r = m
    d = 9999
    while s <= e:
        m = (s + e) // 2
        if arr[m] == t:
            return m
        elif arr[m] > t:
            e = m - 1
            s = m + 1

        if d > abs(t - arr[m]):
            d = abs(t - arr[m])
            r = m
    return r

class Solution:
    def threeSumClosest(self, nums, target: int) -> int:

        s = 0
        e = len(nums) - 1
        minn = 999999
        t = ()
        while e - s >= 2:
            left = nums[s]
            right = nums[e]
            remaining = target - (left + right)
            m = binSearch(nums, s + 1, e - 1, remaining)
            middle = nums[m]
            r = left + middle + right

            # print("i's: ", (s,m,e))
            # print("values: ", (nums[s], nums[m], nums[e]))
            # print("r", r)
            # print("**************")

            if r == target:
                return r
            elif r < target:
                s += 1
                e -= 1

            if abs(target - r) < minn:
                minn = abs(target - r)
                t = r
        return t
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This fails for, e.g., [1, 9, 55, 55, 100], t=111. The first iteration finds 110 and increases i to exclude 1 as a possibility, but the only solution, [1, 55, 55], needs 1.

The basic problem is that when you increase i or reduce j, you are assuming that the element you just advanced past is not needed -- that there exists some solution that does not include it. But this is not justified by anything, and it could well be that all solutions need that element.

A great way to test algorithm ideas like this is to write a small program that generates many small random inputs, and compare the result of your algorithm on each of them to the result of a known-correct brute-force approach.

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