
When changing a database to partially contained I am getting the following error:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC" in the EXCEPT operation.

Errors were encountered in the procedure 'RSExecRole.DeleteExtensionModuleDDL' during compilation of the > object. Either the containment option of the database 'VeeamOne' was changed, or this object was present in model db and the user tried to create a new contained database. ALTER DATABASE statement failed. The containment option of the database 'VeeamOne' could not be altered because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors. ALTER DATABASE statement failed. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

The object this is reporting on I think is from SSRS. However the DB I am changing the collation on is a completely separate application.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this?

========================================================================= OK this is the code for the proc, not sure what about it causes it to no be able to be contained though

USE [VeeamOne]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [reporter].[DeleteExtensionModuleDDL]    Script Date: 02/12/2015 12:06:19 ******/

ALTER PROCEDURE [reporter].[DeleteExtensionModuleDDL]
@EMID int
declare @Debug bit;
set @Debug = 0;
declare @Emulate bit;
set @Emulate = 0;
declare @reportPackDestructorFunctionName nvarchar(max)
exec @reportPackDestructorFunctionName = [reporter].GenerateExtensionModuleDestructorName @EMID
if exists(select * from sys.objects where (object_id = OBJECT_ID(@reportPackDestructorFunctionName) and type in (N'P', N'PC')))
exec @reportPackDestructorFunctionName
declare @objectsToDelete as table (Name nvarchar(2048), Type nvarchar(2048))
insert @objectsToDelete exec @reportPackDestructorFunctionName
if @Debug = 1
select * from @objectsToDelete
declare @TablesToDelete    as table(ObjectID int, Name varchar(max))
declare @FunctionsToDelete   as Table(Name nvarchar(max))
declare @StoredProceduresToDelete as Table(Name nvarchar(max))
declare @AssembliesToDelete   as Table(Name nvarchar(max))
declare @ViewsToDelete    as Table(Name nvarchar(max))
insert into @TablesToDelete
select object_id(Name), Name
from @objectsToDelete
where Type = 'Table'
insert into @FunctionsToDelete
select Name
from @objectsToDelete
where Type = 'Function'
insert into @StoredProceduresToDelete
select Name
from @objectsToDelete
where Type = 'Procedure'
select @reportPackDestructorFunctionName
insert into @AssembliesToDelete
select Name
from @objectsToDelete
where Type = 'Assembly'
insert into @ViewsToDelete
select Name
from @objectsToDelete
where Type = 'View'
declare @DependencyTree as Table(ForeignKeyObjectID int, ForeignKeyObjectName nvarchar(max),
ParentTableID int, ParentTableName nvarchar(max),
ChildTableID int, ChildTableName nvarchar(max), Generation int)
declare @Generation int;
set @Generation = 0;
insert into @DependencyTree
select  distinct(fk.object_id) as ForeignKeyObjectID, as ForeignKeyObjectName,
fk.referenced_object_id as ParentTableID, as ParentTableName,
fk.parent_object_id as ChildTableID, as ChildTableName, @Generation
from  sys.foreign_keys as fk
inner join sys.objects as parent
on   fk.referenced_object_id = parent.object_id
inner join sys.objects as child
on   fk.parent_object_id = child.object_id
where  fk.referenced_object_id in (select ObjectID from @TablesToDelete)
while @@ROWCOUNT > 0
set @Generation = @Generation + 1
insert into @DependencyTree
select  fk.object_id as ForeignKeyObjectID, as ForeignKeyObjectName,
fk.referenced_object_id as ParentTableID, as ParentTableName,
fk.parent_object_id as ChildTableID, as ChildTableName, @Generation
from  @DependencyTree dt
inner join sys.foreign_keys as fk
on   fk.referenced_object_id = dt.ChildTableID
inner join sys.objects as parent
on   fk.referenced_object_id = parent.object_id
inner join sys.objects as child
on   fk.parent_object_id = child.object_id
select  ForeignKeyObjectID, ForeignKeyObjectName,
ParentTableID, ParentTableName,
ChildTableID, ChildTableName, @Generation
from  @DependencyTree
declare @clearScript as table(ID int primary key identity (0,1), ScriptText nvarchar(max))
insert into @clearScript
select  'alter table [reporter].[' + ChildTableName +
'] drop constraint [' + ForeignKeyObjectName + ']'
from  @DependencyTree
where  ParentTableName in (select Name from @TablesToDelete)
insert into @clearScript
select 'drop table [reporter].[' + Name + ']' from @TablesToDelete
insert into @clearScript
select 'drop function [reporter].[' + Name + ']'
from @FunctionsToDelete
insert into @clearScript
select 'drop procedure [reporter].[' + Name + ']'
from @StoredProceduresToDelete
insert into @clearScript
select 'drop assembly [reporter].[' + Name + ']'
from @AssembliesToDelete
insert into @clearScript
select 'drop view [reporter].[' + Name + ']'
from @ViewsToDelete
if @Debug = 1
select * from @clearScript
declare @str nvarchar(max)
declare @ID int;
set @ID  = 0;
declare @MaxID int
select @MaxID = MAX(ID) from @clearScript
print ''
while @ID <= @MaxID
select @str = ScriptText from @clearScript where ID = @ID
if @Emulate = 1
exec sp_executesql @statement = @str
set @ID = @ID + 1
Was it helpful?


The issue you are seeing is a conflict between the collation of the metadata in the system Views -- sys.foreign_keys and sys.objects -- and the table variable @DependencyTree.

As pointed out in @RLF's answer, the collation of database metadata changes from DATABASE_DEFAULT (in your case Latin1_General_CI_AS) to CATALOG_DEFAULT (always Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC) when altering the database to be "contained". This affects the name fields being returned in this query:

SELECT fk.object_id AS [ForeignKeyObjectID], AS [ForeignKeyObjectName],
       fk.referenced_object_id AS [ParentTableID], AS [ParentTableName],
       fk.parent_object_id AS ChildTableID, AS [ChildTableName], @Generation
FROM   @DependencyTree dt
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_keys fk
        ON fk.referenced_object_id = dt.ChildTableID
INNER JOIN sys.objects parent
        ON fk.referenced_object_id = parent.[object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.objects  child
        ON fk.parent_object_id = child.[object_id]


SELECT ForeignKeyObjectID, ForeignKeyObjectName,
       ParentTableID, ParentTableName,
       ChildTableID, ChildTableName, @Generation
FROM   @DependencyTree

The,, and fields are all initially collated as Latin1_General_CI_AS but then change to Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC when you ALTER the database to make it "contained".

The error is being thrown because the string fields in both parts of the EXCEPT need to have matching collations. But the other part of the EXCEPT is using the table variable which is defined as:

DECLARE @DependencyTree as Table(ForeignKeyObjectID INT,
     ForeignKeyObjectName NVARCHAR(MAX), ParentTableID INT, ParentTableName NVARCHAR(MAX),
ChildTableID INT, ChildTableName NVARCHAR(MAX), Generation INT)

No collations are specified for the NVARCHAR(MAX) fields (which technically should be declared as sysname -- always all lower-case for that one -- since that is the datatype of the source system Views of sys.objects and sys.foreign_keys). While it is not mentioned in the Contained Database Collations Table MSDN page, unlike temporary tables, table variables get their default collation from the database, not from tempdb (which is why you didn't see this error in the past since your tempdb collation should be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS since that is the instance collation; you would have gotten this error before if this table were a temporary table). So the collation used for the ForeignKeyObjectName, ParentTableName, and ChildTableName fields was Latin1_General_CI_AS and will still be that same collation upon the database being "contained".

Changing that table variable declaration to be the following should resolve this issue:

DECLARE @DependencyTree Table
  ForeignKeyObjectID INT,
  ForeignKeyObjectName sysname COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT,
  ParentTableID INT,
  ParentTableName sysname COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT,
  ChildTableID INT,
  ChildTableName sysname COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT,
  Generation INT

Using COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT will work with databases when they are not contained and when they are altered to be contained since CATALOG_DEFAULT resolves to the database default in non-contained databases. Another way of stating this behavior is that since database metadata is collated as CATALOG_DEFAULT in either state of the database, it will work in the table variable (and temporary tables) in either state of the database.


The MSDN page on Contained Database Collations has some guidance which includes:

  • In a contained database, the catalog collation Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC. This collation is the same for all contained databases on all instances of SQL Server and cannot be changed.

So, your problem is with the catalog collation. As you change to contained, it is changing the database's catalog collation to Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC which is the source of your problem.

Perhaps the comments on collation, particulary the CATALOG_DEFAULT may provide you some assistance:

  • The database collation is retained, but is only used as the default collation for user data.
  • A new keyword, CATALOG_DEFAULT, is available in the COLLATE clause. This is used as a shortcut to the current collation of metadata in both contained and non-contained databases.

Crossing Between Contained and Uncontained Contexts

  • As long as a session in a contained database remains contained, it must remain within the database to which it connected. In this case the behavior is very straightforward. But if a session crosses between contained and non-contained contexts, the behavior becomes more complex, since the two sets of rules must be bridged.

And this link ends with the Conclusion:

  • The collation behavior of contained databases differs subtly from that in non-contained databases. This behavior is generally beneficial, providing instance-independence and simplicity. Some users may have issues, particularly when a session accesses both contained and non-contained databases.

Regarding Data Collation Issues:

If you also have to resolve collation problems on the data by using COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT. Likely your two databases have the same collation for the data. But if not, you can use the following technique:

select NameValue COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT from MyDatabase.Schema.Table
select NameValue COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT from TheirDatabase.Schema.Table

The value of this approach is that you do not need to specify a particular collation, but COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT allows you to use the collation of the current database. This would resolve data collation issues.

This is to show a workaround I implemented - if your hands are tied and you cannot alter source tables that are causing a comparison error, this works: Insert the values you need to compare into a temp table that has the COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT attribute as mentiond above.

 /* This is an interesting problem I ran across while trying to do some work in a collated database. 
The SQLLogin column on the LoginsReference table is nvarchar(50) (yes, it should be sysname)
When trying to see if [name] from the sys.sysusers table existed in the LoginsReference table, I got the following error:

--Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC" in the equal to operation.

My temporary solution is to leverage implicit conversion to insert the SQLLogins FROM LoginsReference into a temp table that is properly collated, and use it for the comparison operator.
Long term solution is to properly collate things in tables.  However, there is a lot of dynamic SQL involved and I'm worried there will be many more issues with other comparisons made in stored procedures elsewhere.  We'll see.
--this is a script to clean out users created in testing and also reset all tables involved in testing.
USE [_Contained Database]
DECLARE @UUID smallint
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @loginname nvarchar (20)
DECLARE @stop bit
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#usernames') is NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #usernames
CREATE TABLE #usernames
([sqlLogin] nvarchar (50) COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT)
INSERT INTO #userNames
SELECT [sqlLogin] FROM [dbo].[LoginsReference]

WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 [UID] FROM sys.sysusers WHERE [uid] BETWEEN 5 and 16000 and [name] in (SELECT [sqlLogin] FROM #usernames))
    SELECT TOP 1 @loginname = [name] FROM sys.sysusers WHERE [uid] BETWEEN 5 and 16000 and [name] in (SELECT [sqlLogin] FROM #usernames)
    SELECT @SQL = 'DROP USER ' + @loginname
    exec sp_executesql @sql
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[LoginRoles]
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[LoginsReference]


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