
Where are the the bookmark details stored in a Visual Studio project?

project file : *.csproj solution file: *.sln

I am wondering if its possible to maintain bookmarks separately for team and per developer by default.

When I check the project into source control (Perforce) I do not want all my bookmarks to sync in for other developers but only a few which are useful to the whole team.

Update #1: we need some reference point in the code - that can be used as shorthand in email and commuincaiton between developers / support teams. For that we need to maintain bookmark at team level.

Update #2: It seems everyone suggested not to share bookmarks at team level (it's a hidden file for a reason etc...). I am wondering if there is any other tool in Visual Studio to meet the purpose here. The best thing about bookmarks is their ability to hyperlink to any portion of a code which is extremely useful if the code base is HUGE!

>> Closest answer by 'zainnab' (see below), but this option requires to modify (checkout) code files.

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It's suggested that you NOT use Bookmarks for team activities but instead use comment tokens (aka "TODO's", etc..) as they travel with the source code.


Well shared bookmarks are extremely useful for code review at least.

Bookmarks are stored in your solution's .SUO file.

However it is not a good idea to put this file into source control. That's why it's a hidden file.

In my opinion, bookmarks are user-specific and should not be shared between team members.

Bookmarks like index of code. So, it would be very useful for all team. I don't need to think or search where is the code which does do that... Just go to bookmark window and double click to categorized index.

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