
I'm starting a new project here (Windows Forms). What's the best option today for a small (free as in beer) DBMS?

I've used SQL Server Express on the past projects, but time and time again I hear people saying that the product from Oracle is faster and more powerful.

It will be used in a small company (around 20 users) and will not reach the 4 GB limit any time soon :)

I don't want to start a flame war on my first post, so please point me to some link showing a good (and actual) comparison between the 2 products, if possible.

PS: I've heard about IBM DB2 Express too, but I coudn't find any information about it. (Marketing material from IBM doesn't count :) )

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Sorry, no link, but one advice. Because we support Oracle and SQL Server, I know that getting fixes for the 'normal' Oracle database, is not something what I call fun. You have to pay for it, and if you have no tool which updates your Oracle system for you, it's a pain in the a.., if you ask me. Check out how the Oracle XE is supported with updates/fixes. I don't know, I only use the 'normal' Oracle (Developer) database.


I would go for the SQL Server Express solution, unless you absolutely have to use a feature in Oracle that SQL Server does not have and you have no usable workaround.

Example of Oracle's strengths:

  • Analytical Functions in Oracle ROCK!
  • PL/SQL is better than T-SQL.
  • If you're going to scale up the system to 1,000's of users all updating the same small dataset
  • You scale upto multi-TB databases,
  • You need to scale to need big numbers of CPU's in your server (over 8).
  • need instant failover (RAC)
  • you really cannot afford to lose a transaction.

Maybe you can tell, I'm a big Oracle fan! But I think that Oracle Express is a commercial reaction to SQL Server Express and I don't think Oracle really deep deep down likes it.

  • You know with SQL Server that there is an upgrade path (SQL Server 2008 is soon) plus service packs.
  • SQL Express is also more "install and forget" than Oracle.
  • and it will integrate better with your IDE (if your using .NET)

In terms of speed, both are going to be lighting quick with such a small dataset size.

It would be hard to argue either way given the needs you outlined, that either would shine over the other.

What I will say is this:

  1. You say you are already familar with SSExpress, then that is a good reason to stick with it
  2. IMHO the tools with SSExpress are superior and easier to use than the Oracle equivalent

That said, I have much more experience with SS than Oracle so YMMV.

I think it's great to rethink things every once in a while and that it's very smart to consider alternative products when you are at a junction to do so.

If you are comfortable optimizing systems and are dba level in skills, I'd consider PostgreSQL. I do not consider myself a dba and have middling database skills and find SQL Server Express extremely easy to use. Also, I've had products exceed the limits of SQL Server Express - the transition to SQL Server Standard/Enterprise is seemless.

I realize that this doesn't matter at a technical level, but Larry Ellison buys jets and prostitutes with his profit. Bill Gates is solving problems of immense importance to humanity with his. All things being equal, I always prefer to give my money to Bill Gates.

Both of KiwiBastard's points are very good and I completely agree with him.

If you really want a free alternative that is similar to MS SQL and supports growth should you need it, you could have a look at MySQL or PostgreSQL. SQLite also seems a good choice. Surely you can afford an old Linux server if you work in a company with 20 employees.

100% SQL Express, more easy to install and maintain than Oracle.

IMHO the major problem with SQL Server, has for a long time been, no multi-version read consistency. Fortunately this has been corrected since SQL Server 2005 with the snapshot isolation level.

If your looking for a good RDBMS for a small project requring minimal knowledge for maintenance, SQL Server Express Edition is a good pick. The SQL Server Express Edition UI is much easier to understand than RMAN or the "easier"-to-use backup scripts included with Oracle Database XE which requires offlining your database.

Oracle Database XE is on my *** list. They recently released an ODBC driver for Linux that wasn't compiled properly (ld returns missing symbols for required ODBC functions) to be at all usable ( With this kind of lack of attention to any reasonable amount of QA even for a 'free' product I would think twice about going down that road.

For DB2 Express-C see:

"DB2 Express-C™ is the free version of one of the most advanced database management systems in the world. Why pay when you can have all you need for free? DB2 Express-C is free to develop, deploy and distribute.

It is a fast, secure, reliable, and amazingly scalable dataserver, ideal for most startups and small/medium sized businesses. DB2 Express-C 9.7 is available on Linux, Unix, Windows, and now Mac OS X as well! It also enables developers to easily handle XML through the native storage technology called pureXML™. Whether you develop in Java, .Net, Ruby, Python, Perl or pretty much any other programming language out there, DB2 can be your technological advantage."

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