
In a view of a document library I have the field "Modified" and this is showing only dates but no time. I would like to display the time aswell.

From my understanding it is ill advised to alter this field OOTB, but rather to create a calculated field and format it the way I want.

I have checked the column properties for this Modified-field, and it is set to "Date and time", which is why I find it curious that it only displays the date. In any case I have created another (calculated) field which I am attempting to format the way I want, but with not luck.

Under the Formula section of this new calculated field I am attempting to format "Modified" like this:

=TEXT([Modified],"dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm")

I want the result to appear like this 14.10.2014 15:59. However, when trying to save the above formula I get the "Sorry, something went wrong" page and the mention that the syntax is probably wrong. I am unable to see any obvious errors with the syntax and have tried a multitude of approaches - like removing the "", removing [] from modified and so forth.

I need the field to display time aswell and I am not sure if this is the best approach either. Anyone got any tips to how I could do this? Perhaps the calculated field approach isn't the best either?

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The point is that formula expression is usually language dependent.

For example, is site locate is set to 1033 (English - United States), then the formula you have provided in the question is absolutely correct:

Syntax: TEXT(value,format_text) Source

But let's say the site locate is set to 1049 (Russia), in that case the proper syntax would be:


What matters here is delimiter, as you can see it is ; for 1049 locale and not , like in case of 1033 locale.


  1. Identify the locate of SharePoint site (go to Regional Settings - see the figure 1)
  2. Go to A list of available functions and verify the proper syntax for a function according to the language specified (see figure 2 and 3)

Figure 1. How to identify Locale settings enter image description here

Figure 2. TEXT formula for 1049 locale (e.g. 1049 locale) enter image description here

Figure 3 How to determine formula syntax

enter image description here


How to set Time Format enter image description here



Check your Site Columns definition; when I look at a Modified column in a document library, I see date and time.

Either Site Column or Site Content Type (I believe Site Column is the driver), check your params.

Column Name: Date Modified (from Existing Core Document Columns) 
In additional column settings:    
     Date and Time Format: **Date and Time**

In SharePoint 2016 the Modified column can be updated to a Display Format of "Standard" instead of "Friendly" to show the time (and, if applicable, current year).

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