
I am attempting to look at the SSLContext in a CFReadStream. secureTransport has lots of useful methods for examining a SSLContextRef like SSLGetEnabledCiphers, but I don't have a good way to get a SSLContextRef from CFReadStream. Is there some sort of getter method for SSLContextRef in CFNetworks?

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If anyone else has this problem, take note, you can't. What you can do is create a new SSL context, send the readstream to the context and encrypt the stream there. What you can't is get the cipher settings from CFNetwork classes. I suppose Apple wants them to remain private.


You should be able to retrieve the SSLContextRef using CFReadStreamCopyProperty. For example, see this code from the Apple TLSTool sample:

context = (SSLContextRef) CFReadStreamCopyProperty((__bridge CFReadStreamRef) inputStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLContext);

The kCFStreamPropertySSLContext is available as of OS X 10.9 and iOS 5.

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