
In app\code\Magento\Wishlist\view\frontend\layout\default.xmlfile,I find the block

<referenceBlock name="top.links">
    <block class="Magento\Wishlist\Block\Link" name="wish-list-link" after="my-account-link"/>

And in app\code\Magento\Wishlist\Block\Link.phpSpecifies the template file

protected $_template = 'Magento_Wishlist::link.phtml';

So I open app\code\Magento\Wishlist\view\frontend\templates\link.phtml

<li class="link wishlist" data-bind="scope: 'wishlist'">
    <a <?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo $block->getLinkAttributes() ?>><?php echo $block->escapeHtml($block->getLabel()) ?>
        <!-- ko if: wishlist().counter -->
        <span data-bind="text: wishlist().counter" class="counter qty"></span>
        <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "*": {
            "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": {
                "components": {
                    "wishlist": {
                        "component": "Magento_Wishlist/js/view/wishlist"

It looks like using knockoutjs. This page app\code\Magento\Wishlist\view\frontend\web\js\view\wishlist.js and file app\code\Magento\Customer\view\frontend\web\js\customer-data.js

But I still do not understand,JavaScript is how to get the number wishlist.

data-bind="text: wishlist().counter" 
Was it helpful?


inside wishlist module, link.phtml file,

<span data-bind="text: wishlist().counter" class="counter qty"></span>

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "*": {
            "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": {
                "components": {
                    "wishlist": {
                        "component": "Magento_Wishlist/js/view/wishlist"


This file is called: magento2/vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js/view/wishlist.js

Inside this file you can check,

this.wishlist = customerData.get('wishlist');

Here wishlist is passed into magento2/vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/web/js/customer-data.js

In customer-data.js file you can check get() method call,

Here sectionName is passed as wishlist,

get: function (sectionName) {
            return buffer.get(sectionName);

above file called your modules CustomerData/Wishlist.php file,

Now you can check in magento2/vendor/magento/module-wishlist/CustomerData/Wishlist.php file,

public function getSectionData()
        $counter = $this->getCounter();
        return [
            'counter' => $counter,
            'items' => $counter ? $this->getItems() : [],

So you can access counter as wishlist().counter and wishlist items as wishlist().items using knockout js.

for wishlist().items access in,


you can check call,

 <ol class="product-items no-display" id="wishlist-sidebar" data-bind="foreach: wishlist().items, css: {'no-display': null}"></ol>

Here is same concept.


Check following file:


public function getSectionData()
        $counter = $this->getCounter();
        return [
            'counter' => $counter,
            'items' => $counter ? $this->getItems() : [],

wishlist().counter return php counter.

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