
How do I convert function input parameters to the right type?

I want to return a string that has part of the URL passed into it removed.

This works, but it uses a hard-coded string:

function CleanUrl($input)
    $x = "".Replace("http://", "")
    return $x

$SiteName = CleanUrl($HostHeader)
echo $SiteName

This fails:

function CleanUrl($input)
    $x = $input.Replace("http://", "")
    return $x

Method invocation failed because [System.Array+SZArrayEnumerator] doesn't contain a method named 'Replace'.
At M:\PowerShell\test.ps1:13 char:21
+     $x = $input.Replace( <<<< "http://", "")
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The concept here is correct.

The problem is with the variable name you have chosen. $input is a reserved variable used by PowerShell to represent an array of pipeline input. If you change your variable name, you should not have any problem.

PowerShell does have a replace operator, so you could make your function into

function CleanUrl($url)
    return $url -replace 'http://'


Steve's answer works. The problem with your attempt to reproduce ESV's script is that you're using $input, which is a reserved variable (it automatically collects multiple piped input into a single variable).

You should, however, use .Replace() unless you need the extra feature(s) of -replace (it handles regular expressions, etc).

function CleanUrl([string]$url)

That will work, but so would:

function CleanUrl([string]$url)
    $url -replace "http://",""

Also, when you invoke a PowerShell function, don't use parenthesis:

$HostHeader = ""
$SiteName = CleanUrl $HostHeader
Write-Host $SiteName

Hope that helps. By the way, to demonstrate $input:

function CleanUrls
    $input -replace "http://",""

# Notice these are arrays ...
$HostHeaders = @("","")
$SiteNames = $HostHeader | CleanUrls
Write-Output $SiteNames
function CleanUrl([string] $url)
    return $url.Replace("http://", "")

This worked for me:

function CleanUrl($input)
    return $input.Replace("http://", "")
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