
I had a malware on my page and after that the entry "Our Team" appears on the top linke of my page I would like to remove this link again. I was looking for local.xml but I cannot find the file :-( I also checked customer.xml and checkout.xml but there is no such entry in the file. Magento Version: Any idea how to remove this entry?

enter image description here

enter image description here


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php echo $this->getContentType() ?>" />

getTitle() ?> getDescription()) ?>" /> getKeywords()) ?>" /> getRobots()) ?>" /> getFaviconFile(); ?>" type="image/x-icon" /> getFaviconFile(); ?>" type="image/x-icon" />

//helper('core/js')->getJsUrl('blank.html') ?>'; var BLANK_IMG = 'helper('core/js')->getJsUrl('spacer.gif') ?>'; //]]>

getCssJsHtml() ?> getChildHtml() ?> helper('core/js')->getTranslatorScript() ?> getIncludes() ?>


<div class="header">
getChildHtml('welcome') ?> getAdditionalHtml() ?>

getChildHtml('topLinks') ?> getChildHtml('headerCart') ?> getChildHtml('store_language') ?> getIsHomePage()):?> getLogoAlt() ?>getUrl('') ?>" title="getLogoAlt() ?>" class="logo">getLogoSrc() ?>" alt="getLogoAlt() ?>" /> getUrl('') ?>" title="getLogoAlt() ?>" class="logo">getLogoAlt() ?>getLogoSrc() ?>" alt="getLogoAlt() ?>" /> __('Skip to Main Content') ?> »

getChildHtml('topSearch') ?> getChildHtml('topMenu') ?> getChildHtml('topContainer'); ?>


<?php $_links = $this->getLinks(); ?>
0): ?> getName()): ?> id="getName() ?>"> toHtml() ?> getIsFirst()||$_link->getIsLast()): ?> class="getIsFirst()): ?>firstgetIsLast()): ?> last" getLiParams() ?>>getBeforeText() ?>getUrl() ?>" title="getTitle() ?>" getAParams() ?>>getLabel() ?>getAfterText() ?>


<li<?php if($this->getIsFirst()||$this->getIsLast()): ?> class="<?php if($this->getIsFirst()): ?>first<?php endif; ?><?php if($this->getIsLast()): ?> last<?php endif; ?>"<?php endif; ?> <?php echo $this->getLiParams() ?>><?php echo $this->getBeforeText() ?><a href="<?php echo $this->getLinkUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getTitle() ?>" <?php echo $this->getAParams() ?>><?php echo $this->getLabel() ?></a><?php echo $this->getAfterText() ?></li>
Was it helpful?


Try in here If you see any unknown scripts remove them from below configuration.

Configuration->General->Design->HTML Head->Miscellaneous Scripts
Configuration->General->Design->Footer->Miscellaneous HTML


in this case you can check in below files


and also check.


and also check.


And if you not find this things in above file then follow this step

You can on your path hint from admin and heck the template and its block for all section of the page.

Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Developer

Select the store from Current Configuration Scope drop-down from top left section below navigation. Than go to Debug -> Template Path Hint and set it to Yes. Refresh the fron-tend page, You will get the all page path.

In this way you come to know if any custom module install and override any phtml then also you will get the path of that file.

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