
I am trying to get the my custom module on front end from database but it not showing any thing but just the blank module page:

My controller:

  class OptFirst_ReviewMyCompany_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action{

    public function IndexAction() {

    $breadcrumbs = $this->getLayout()->getBlock("breadcrumbs");

        $breadcrumbs->addCrumb("home", array(
        "label" => $this->__("Home Page"),
        "title" => $this->__("Home Page"),
        "link"  => Mage::getBaseUrl()

      $breadcrumbs->addCrumb("titlename", array(
        "label" => $this->__("Reviews"),
        "title" => $this->__("Reviews")



Here is my block :

class OptFirst_ReviewMyCompany_Block_Index extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
     public function index()
        $productId = 1;//change to your product id
        $collection = Mage::getModel('optfirst_reviewmycompany/new_optfirst_reviewmycompany')->getCollection()
         ->addFieldToFilter('id_optfirst_reviewmycompany', $productId);
           return $collection;



And this is my module template:

$collection = $this->index();
foreach ($collection as $instance) {
          echo  $instance['facebook'].'<br>';
          /* you can customize code here */


layout Node review.xml

  <? xml version = "1.0" ?>   
  <layout version="0.1.0">   
       <reference name="root">   
         <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>   
       <reference name="content">   
           <block type="reviews/index" name="reviews_index" template="reviews/index.phtml"/>   

here is the front-end template:

enter image description here

Anyone can look and let me know what is the issue:


Was it helpful?


Try this,


   <?xml version="1.0"?>






                        <optfirst_reviewmycompany after="Mage_Adminhtml">OptFirst_ReviewMyCompany_Adminhtml</optfirst_reviewmycompany>




<?xml version = "1.0"?>   
<layout version="0.1.0">   
    <reference name="root">   
      <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>   
    <reference name="content">   
      <block type="reviewmycompany/index" name="reviewmycompany_index" template="reviews/index.phtml"/>   
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