
I'm moving my blog which was in a physical folder (/blog/) on my IIS 6 web server to a virtual directory called the same name (blog) running, the virtual directory is running in the same application pool as the parent website.

I want to redirect each .html post to the new URL. e.g. to

I already have Helicon ISAPI Rewrite Version running on my website and currently have redirects working fine. But redirects to the blog virtual directory don't seem to work.

Current .htaccess rule:

#rewriterule ^blog/2009/06/old-blog-title.html$ /blog/post/new-blog-title.aspx [R=301,L]

Question 1: Should I add the .htaccess rules to the blog Virual Directory root or the main website root?

Question 2: What .htaccess syntax should I be using to redirect to the virtual directory?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I didn't get any response, but managed to figure it out myself. Is there a StackOverflow badge for that LOL :-) I'm answering my own question just incase anyone else has the same problem.

Answer to Question 1

The .htaccess file should be located in the virtual directory root, but you can't edit this in the Helicon Rewrite tab of IIS 6 for the virtual directory as it wants to save the .htaccess file in a physical directory called /blog/ rather than the virtual directory.

Answer to Question 2

The rewrite needed to be amended slightly due to the .htaccess file location within the virtual directory. Basically removing blog/ from the beginning of the old url.

rewriterule ^2009/06/old-blog-title.html$ /blog/post/new-blog-title.aspx [R=301,L]


Your rule is OK if you need to redirect just a couple of blog articles, but if you'll have hundreds of them, you'd better have a look at mapfiles functionality of ISAPI_Rewrite here.

but you can't edit this in the Helicon Rewrite tab of IIS 6 for the virtual directory

This problem was fixed in build 62, so update and enjoy.

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