
How can I make my view resize in response to the in-call status bar from my nib?

I figured it would just be setting the resize properties, but they're not enabled for the root UIView.

(I think my main problem here is I don't know what any of this is called; I can't find any reference to the in-call status bar in any of the documentation except where it talks about the simulator menu command.)

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What do you mean when you say that 'the resize properties aren't enabled for the root UIView'?

The in-call status bar doesn't have any particular special designation, and I don't think there are any APIs or notifications around it. Instead, your views should simply be set up to autoresize correctly.

Try creating a new navigation-based app in Xcode and study the autoresize settings on the table view in RootViewController.xib. Hopefully you'll see a delta between what Apple's set and what you've set in your project.


iOS will invoke your viewController's viewWillLayoutSubviews method whenever there is a change in status bar. You can override that and adjust your subviews according to the new bounds.

- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
    // Your adjustments accd to 
    // viewController.bounds

    [super viewWillLayoutSubviews];

You're looking for -[UIApplication statusBarFrame] and, in your UIApplicationDelegate, you should implement this delegate method to be notified of when the status bar's frame changes:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didChangeStatusBarFrame:(CGRect)oldStatusBarFrame  

A view may not resize automatically with status bar size changes if you do not have a root view controller set. I originally had this in my app delegate, and my app worked properly in all regards except that it would not resize correctly during phone calls.

[self.window addSubview:rootController.view];

I changed the above line to this, and now my app resizes automatically during calls.

[self.window setRootViewController:rootController];

I discovered this fix after seeing this in the log and investigating the cause.

Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch

this works for me perfectly when my application is running in background and I press command + T. In my scenario , the root controller is my tab bar controller and I am readjusting my nav controller inside each tab.

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application willChangeStatusBarFrame:(CGRect)newStatusBarFrame{
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.35 animations:^{
    CGRect windowFrame = ((UINavigationController *)((UITabBarController *)self.window.rootViewController).viewControllers[0]).view.frame;
    if (newStatusBarFrame.size.height > 20) {
        windowFrame.origin.y = newStatusBarFrame.size.height - 20 ;// old status bar frame is 20
        windowFrame.origin.y = 0.0;
    ((UINavigationController *)((UITabBarController *)self.window.rootViewController).viewControllers[0]).view.frame = windowFrame;


For views like UITableView you'll typically need to change the table cell height, and there's no other way to do it except to implement application:didChangeStatusBarFrame:. But it's no biggie, and you can set the row height to non-integer values if you need to.

The notification for status bar changing frame is


Register as an observer:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(statusBarFrameWillChange:)name:UIApplicationWillChangeStatusBarFrameNotification object:nil];

Then respond to change in your handler:

- (void)statusBarFrameWillChange:(NSNotification*)notification { // respond to changes }

Even with autolayout setup correctly, you may need to respond to changes. For example, a table view that calculates its cell height based on the given space in the screen would may need to reloadData after the status bar changed.


I was having the same problem. What I did was this.

  1. Open the xib file in IB
  2. All interface elements are by default attached to move along with with top and shown in the 'Autosizing' property in the 'Size Inspector'. So, for the UI elements at the bottom of the screen, remove the link from top and instead make the link from bottom. Leave all the others as is.
  3. Problem Solved!!!

I hope I was clear.

You will have to update the views manually if you are setting your view frames programatically

 -(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
                                         selector:@selector(statusBarFrameWillChange:)name:UIApplicationWillChangeStatusBarFrameNotification object:nil];


- (void)statusBarFrameWillChange:(NSNotification*)notification
// respond to changes
NSDictionary *statusBarDetail = [notification userInfo];
NSValue *animationCurve = statusBarDetail[UIApplicationStatusBarFrameUserInfoKey];
CGRect statusBarFrameBeginRect = [animationCurve CGRectValue];
int statusBarHeight = (UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait([[UIApplication sharedApplication]statusBarOrientation])) ? statusBarFrameBeginRect.size.height : statusBarFrameBeginRect.size.width;

NSLog(@"status bar height  %d", statusBarHeight);

-(void) viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIApplicationBackgroundRefreshStatusDidChangeNotification object:nil];

This gives you the new height of the status bar and using this you can update your frames accordingly.

The solution is to ensure you have made your window key:

[window makeKeyAndVisible];

If you don't do that the subview does not get resized automatically, but there are no other symptoms as far as I know.

None of the solutions posted before worked for me. What did work for me was that I didn't have my constraints set up properly for my views. In my situation, I had two different container views within my view.

View of scene in storyboard.

The bottom (in the list) container view was a UITableView, which was not scrolling correctly to the bottom of the table. The reason was that the offset of the in-call status bar was causing the origin (top-left corner) of the UITableView to change, but the size would remain this same. This meant that the bottom of the table was off screen!

The solution was to correctly set the Autoresizing height constraint properly. In the screenshot below, it is the vertical arrows in the middle of the Autoresizing box.

enter image description here

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