
I'm trying to grab data from a JSON on an external site but the site doesn't support JSON-P output. This is an example of non-working code, but gives a good idea of what I'm trying to achieve:

$.getJSON("", function(data){
    //Process data here

Are there ways around this other than locally hosting the data or downloading and processing it with an AJAX/PHP call? I would rather not have the server serve or download the data and rather have the user's browser grab it directly.

Thanks in advance!

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The Same Origin Policy of most browsers would not let you do this without a willing external server or a server-side proxy. There are a few hacks you could try out with flash:

This assumes your user has flash installed, but generally, if they have javascript installed, they also have flash...


If the data you are looking for came as a feed somewhere, you could pass it through Yahoo Pipes and they will return jsonp for you.

Best of luck!


Easiest option would be to run the json call through a PHP proxy script, like this one:

// PHP Proxy
// Loads a file from any location.
// Author:Paulo Fierro
// January 29, 2006
// usage: proxy.php?url=

$session = curl_init($_GET['url']);                    
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);          
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);   
$xml = curl_exec($session);                            
echo $xml;        


and use that as the source of you ajaxCall

$.getJSON("proxy.php?", function(data){
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