
I watched Matthew McDermott's video (SharePoint Conference) and I really like those custom refiners:

enter image description here

How is it possible to get the refinement items next to each other (horizonally) instead of vertically? Are the files anywhere available?

I have by now the following (my refiners, but all vertically):

enter image description here

The files would be great how this is done, or at least the way how to get the refiners next to each other.

Was it helpful?


It's just CSS. Here is the snippet showing the inline style. I use inline-block rather than float as it gave me the organization and flow I needed for the wrapper divs. Let me know if you want the whole file and I'll post it for you.

<div id='Value' name='Item' style="width:25px;height:25px;border-radius:3px;display:inline-block;">
  <a id='FilterLink' class='_#= $htmlEncode(aClass) =#_' onclick="_#= aOnClick =#_" href='javascript:{}' title='_#= $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.U.loadResource("rf_RefineBy"), refinementName)) =#_'>
    if (refinementName == 'All')
    <div id='RefinementName' style="background-color:aquamarine;width:75px;height:25px;border-radius:3px;display:inline-block;padding:0px 4px;text-align:center;">Clear Filter</div>
    <div id='RefinementName' style="display:inline-block;">
        <img src="_#= iconFile =#_" alt="refine by: _#= refinementName =#_"/>


I'm not sure that I understood you correctly. But this loos like a simple CSS issue in your refinement file (normaly at '/Display Templates/Filters'). Look at the CSS float property:

<div style="float: left;">
    <optgroup label="Selected Refiners" id="_#= refinement1 =#_">
        //your refinement stuff here

    <optgroup label="Other Refiners" id="_#= refinement2 =#_">
        //your other refinement stuff here

There is a "control" template for refiners that specifies how they are laid out. The "out of the box" one is control_refinement.html and is in /_catalogs/masterpage/DisplayTemplates/Filters. If you look at it you'll notice it's title is "Vertical".

To get the refiners displayed horizontally, you should create your own control template (possibly copying the existing one as a starting point), and then edit the HTML to display the refiners as you need.

Then in the refiner web part's properties, you'll see there's a "Control" dropdown which has the "Vertical" template selected by default, just change this to your new template.

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