
I see that Magento\Sales\Model\Order\CreditmemoFactory has createByOrder and createByInvoice methods and I cannot do ->create()->addAttributeToFilter('created_at'

I would like to get the credit memos from the last 2 weeks regardless of when the order was placed. So I cannot do $order->getCreditmemosCollection().

Any ideas?


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If I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to load all credit memos created in the last 2 weeks, regardless of when the order was created. Have you looked at using the service contracts for loading your data?

You'd need to inject the following 2 classes into your constructor. The SearchCriteriaBuilder class for creating the search criteria (filter), and the CreditmemoRepositoryInterface for loading the credit memos.


Build up your search criteria:

$yourDate = '2017-01-01';
$searchCriteria = $this->searchCriteriaBuilder

Then get the credit memos from the repository:

$creditmemos = $this->creditmemoRepository

From there you should be able to loop through the array, loading whatever data it is that you need:

foreach ($creditmemos as $creditmemo) {
    echo $creditmemo->getAdjustment();

You can see the available methods to call on the $creditmemo in the class \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\CreditmemoInterface.


You can include only \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Creditmemo\Collection in your constructor, in this case, you can use directly "addFieldToFilter" function without declaring or include searchCriteria

Your construct

public function __construct(
    \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Creditmemo\Collection $creditmemoCollection,
) {
    $this->creditmemoCollection = $creditmemoCollection;

And your function

public function yourfunction() {
    $collection = $this->creditmemoCollection;
    $collection->addFieldToFilter('created_at', array('gt' => $yourdate));

    foreach($collection as $creditmemo):
        $data = $creditmemo->getData();
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