
What's the best platform for creating a CrunchBase like system? (has to be open source). Thanks!

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Your question is a bit vague, and there is never "one" answer to a question "which is the best for ..." ; still :

You are looking for a piece of software that allows, at least from what I can see on the site :

  • users to register / login
  • edition of content
  • keeping of revisions history
  • tagging / categorization of pages
  • rss (both aggregating rss and generating rss)
  • comments on articles
  • couple of lists like "recently added", "recently modified"
  • some kind of search

That's the kind of stuff almost any CMS will do out of the box, I suppose...

If you are looking for something OpenSource, the next question is "which language / technology / platform"...

If you are going for somemthing Apache+PHP+MySQL based, Drupal is quite good piece of software, and you can do lots of things with not much coding, provided you use the right modules... and, as far as I can tell, it does what I listed before.

Of course, knowing a bit more about what you need / want might help us help you more ;-)

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