
Is there a way to create a second Desktop screen in C# - just like they do in Linux? I've never done this before but I find the idea very interesting.

I have tried a few samples out there, none of which would even compile. One of them had 294 errors when I tried to debug. Wow! However, trying to find these samples again (a year later) is proving to be very difficult.

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Usually you have two options for this:

  1. CreateDesktop. Advantage is that the operating system supports this for ages out of the box, disadvantage is that processes are confined to the desktop they start on; you can't move windows between desktops.
  2. Manage everything yourself. That means hiding and showing windows when changing desktops. Certainly more flexible, but also much more work.

I'm using SysInternals Desktops. Basic stuff, no fancy things. Mark Russinovich is usually a reliable source.

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