
PostgreSQL version: 9.5

I am trying to write a query that will check if an array of specified decades overlaps in a range. For example, I'd like to find all of the people employed at a company in the 1980's OR the 2000's. Let's say I have two date columns: start_date and end_date. Here's my best attempt so far:

 FROM date_table 
WHERE int4range(EXTRACT(DECADE from start_date)::int, 
                EXTRACT(DECADE from end_date)::int) && (int4range(198, 200))

This query will check for anyone employed in the 1980s, 1990s, or the 2000s. I don't want to compare a range to another range; instead, it should be checking if any of the values in the array is contained in the range. How can I accomplish this? Is there another way I could be approaching this problem?


Thanks to the answer by joanolo, my working query is:

 FROM date_table 
WHERE int4range(EXTRACT(DECADE from start_date)::int, 
                EXTRACT(DECADE from end_date)::int, '[]') @> ANY(ARRAY[198, 200])
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You can use the ANY and ALL array element quantifiers, together with the @> contains element range operator.

If you want to know if ANY element of the array lies within your range, which is what, according to your comments, is what I interpret you want, you can use:

    int4range(5, 8, '[]') @> ANY(ARRAY[1, 3, 5, 7]) AS some_are_in

(in this case, this will return TRUE, because both 5 and 7 are part of the range)

This nearly translates your request (but reversing it): Does the range contain ANY of the elements of the array?

If you would like to know that they're all in, you'd use ALL instead of ANY:

    int4range(5, 8, '[]') @> ALL(ARRAY[1, 3, 5, 7]) AS all_are_in

(in this case, this will return false, because 1 and 3 are not part of the range)

You can find these and some other examples at dbfiddle here


You may have better performance unrolling it and dropping the range operation.

WHERE x1 BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
  OR x2 BETWEEN start_date AND end_date

The range operation is fast, but only if you have a separate indexes on

int4range(EXTRACT(DECADE from start_date)::int, EXTRACT(DECADE from end_date)::int;

Whereas the WHERE BETWEEN can make use of the indexes available. It's arguably a bad idea to add indexes that pick decade arbitrarily.

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