
Fiddler has many useful extensions. However, I can't find one that understands WCF's binary-encoded SOAP envelopes. (Content-Type: application/soap+msbin1)

Suggestions for comparable (non-Fiddler) tools are welcome too.

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After lots of work on ancillary stuff that doesn't really matter (eg decided to roll my own quick-n-dirty recursive descent XML parser), I've just committed the first checkin where the plugin actually does its job in a usable fashion. Still extremely rough around the edges, with many features not implemented, but if you want to see binary WCF in Fiddler now's your chance!

Source code only for now:

I'll post binaries on CodePlex when it's polished enough for general consumption. Probably won't remember to update this "answer" though. If you're reading this months/years from now, be sure to click over to the Downloads page -- or at minimum, grab the latest source instead of this changeset.


I've also created a rough and ready inspector for WCF Binary messages. You can find mine (including binaries) at

It differs from Richard's in that I use WCF's own decoder, rather than rolling my own. Source code for that is on my blog.

I recently created a Burp plug-in for editing Binary XML data based on Richard Bergs decoder. You can find the plug-in and a Blog post explaining how it works here:

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