
we have a DB which stores users who may have pictures.

I am looking for an elegant way in SQL to get the following results: Select n users. Of those n users e.g. 60% should have an associated picture and 40% should not have a picture. If there are less than 60% users having a picture the result should be filled up with users wihtout an image.

Is there some elegant way in SQL without firing multiple SELECTs to the DB?

Thank you very much.

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Ugly code:


      //-- We start selecting users who have a picture (ordered by HasPicture)
      //-- If there is no more users with a picture, this query will fill the 
      //-- remaining rows with users without a picture
      ORDER BY HasPicture DESC


      //-- This is to make sure that we select at least 40% users without a picture
      //-- AT LEAST because in the first query it is possible that users without a 
      //-- picture have been selected
      SELECT TOP 40 PERCENT * FROM tblUser
      WHERE HasPicture = 0

      //-- We need to avoid duplicates because in the first select query we haven't 
      //-- specified HasPicture = 1 (and we didn't want to).
      AND UserID not IN
        SELECT TOP 60 PERCENT UserID FROM tbUser
        ORDER BY HavePicture DESC


So you provide @n, being the number of users you want. You provide @x being the percentage of those users who should have pictures.

select top (@n) *
select top (@n * @x / 100) *
from users
where picture is not null 

union all

select top (@n) *
from users
where picture is null 
) u
order by case when picture is not null then 1 else 2 end;

So... you want at most @n * @x / 100 users who have pictures, and the rest have to be people who don't have pictures. So I'm doing a 'union all' between my @n*@x/100 picture-people and enough others to complete my @n. Then I'm selecting them back, ordering my TOP to make sure that I keep the people who have a picture.


Edited: Actually, this would be better:

select top (@n) *
select top (@n * @x / 100) *, 0 as NoPicture
from users
where picture is not null 

union all

select top (@n) *, 1 as NoPicture
from users
where picture is null 
) u
order by NoPicture;

...because it removes the impact of the ORDER BY.

SELECT TOP(n) HasPicture --should be 0 or 1 to allow ORDER
   FROM Users

Use the Select case for this type of Requirement.

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