
I am trying to automate the config and deployment of a Magento 1.9 store. I have a load script that does everything I need it to except for configuring the payment method's login and trans_key properties.

Here is a sample code block that configures everything except the credentials (123456 in this example):

// already have Mage
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/active', '1', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/payment_action', 'authorize_capture', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/login', '123456', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/merchant_email', '', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/title', 'Credit Card (', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/trans_key', '123456', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/cgi_url', '', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/cgi_url_td', '', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/order_status', 'processing', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/test', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/debug', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/currency', 'USD', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/email_customer', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/cctypes', 'AE,VI,MC,DI', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/allowspecific', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/useccv', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/min_order_total', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/min_order_total', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/sort_order', NULL, 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/allow_partial_authorization', '0', 'default', 0)
->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/centinel', '0', 'default', 0);

Everything besides login and trans_key gets successfully set this way, but I need those fields to be set too.

How do I set the payment gateway credentials programatically assuming I have access to the Magento core API?

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Both fields use <backend_model>adminhtml/system_config_backend_encrypted</backend_model>

If you take a look at Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Encrypted, you can find:

 * Encrypt value before saving
protected function _beforeSave()
    $value = (string)$this->getValue();
    // don't change value, if an obscured value came
    if (preg_match('/^\*+$/', $this->getValue())) {
        $value = $this->getOldValue();
    if (!empty($value) && ($encrypted = Mage::helper('core')->encrypt($value))) {

Please try this ... replace (and same for login)

->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/trans_key', '123456', 'default', 0)


->saveConfig('payment/authorizenet/trans_key', Mage::helper('core')->encrypt('123456'), 'default', 0)

On load it will be decrypted via:

 * Decrypt value after loading
protected function _afterLoad()
    $value = (string)$this->getValue();
    if (!empty($value) && ($decrypted = Mage::helper('core')->decrypt($value))) {
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