
Toy example code:

public abstract class testBase
  public testBase()
    //Some common test setup code, which will initialize ManagerClass

public class someTests: testBase
  public someTests()
    //someTests-specific constructor code.

  public void test1(Foo foo)
    //Use foo to do a test

  public static IEnumerable<object[]> MyTestData
      yield return new object[] { ManagerClass.CreateANewFoo(1) };
      yield return new object[] { ManagerClass.CreateANewFoo(42) };

In the above example, if I specifically run test1 (I'm using Resharper, but the problem also occurs when I use the xUnit GUI) my test is failing because it seems that neither the testBase nor someTests constructors are being executed. Hence the call to ManagerClass.CreateANewFoo() is throwing a NullReference.

If I run all of the tests in someTests, or any other individual test, the constructor executes as expected and the tests proceed in the expected fashion. The only thing that marks test1 out as different is the fact that it is using the PropertyData attribute.

Any ideas why this is happening/what I'm doing wrong?

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We attempted to reproduce this with 1.5 Beta and cannot.

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