
I have Docker installed and am running a MongoDB container for my local development on my Mac. The problem is that I can't connect to said DB easily from CLI. I have Robo 3T installed, but I would prefer to use the CLI client instead.

Is there a known way to install JUST the mongo shell (command mongo) and not the full DB distribution on OS X?

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You can use HomeBrew, see the official MongoDB HomeBrew page.

Just add the tap:

brew tap mongodb/brew

And then after adding the tap from above, you can then install the Mongo shell with:

brew install mongodb-community-shell


You can download the latest Mongo Shell for MacOS from the following URL:

For the sake of completion, the Mongo Shell for Windows is available at

Furthermore, for other Linux distributions, I suggest you create a MongoDB Atlas cluster (for instance, a free M0 cluster) at where you'll find the Mongo Shell downloads for all OSes in the Connect dialog of your cluster.

I hope this helps.

I don't think so in macOS whitout installation of MongoDB ,you can able to connect mongo shell. To install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS system Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS You may download MongoDB Community Edition through either the MongoDB Download Center or the popular macOS package manager Homebrew.

As The mongo Shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB.

Note: Ensure that MongoDB is running before attempting to start the mongo shell.

For your further ref Here and Here

I understand you have mongo running on Docker, so as a workaround you can use the same running container to connect:

docker exec -ti $container_name bash
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3

Ideally you could connect with just one command but I don't know why is failing when calling from outside:

# this fail but you can use with other databases
docker exec -ti $container_name mongo -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD $MONGODB_DATABASE

The idea is simple, mongo is installed on the container so you tell docker to run from inside the container. If you need to load files from outside you always can mount a volume.

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