
I want to add graphics to a multiscaleimage. I use the project that Deep Zoom Composer auto generated when creating a multiscaleimage. Displaying the multiscaleimage from VS2008 works.

I've tried this and added the graphics to the maincanvas, without any results:

 <Canvas Name="maincanvas"/>

Edit: When the user zooms in on the multiscaleimage, the user can place geometrically figures on the image. E.g. place a rectangle next to a person in the image, which will act as a speech balloon. I know this can be done on the image before the image is scaled, but I would like to do it dynamically.

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Solution 2

By following the tutorial at link text, and then using the following code, made it possible to draw on top of the multiscaleimage.

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<MultiScaleImage x:Name="deepZoomObject" Source="source/dzc_output.xml"/>  
 <Line X1="10" Y1="100" X2="80" Y2="30" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="20" Canvas.Top="-16" Canvas.Left="238"></Line>


In order to draw the grpahics over the particular image, first u need to find out the co-odrinates of the multiscale image..Am not sure abt reading co-ordinates of all the images in mutliscale canvass image... but there is a way you can do it on user selected image...

project silverlights wilfred posted an interesting article abt picking the selected multiscale item and its co-ordinates..

And there is a dedicated forum for deepzoom.. its very active one.. you can try that too..

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