
is there a way to get a fancybox ( or any other lightbox from submitting a FORM (with an image button)?

HTML looks like this:

<form action="/ACTION/FastFindObj" method="post">
  <input name="fastfind" class="fastfind" value="3463" type="text">
  <input name="weiter" type="submit">

These won't do:


Anyone spotting my mistake or having a workaround or an alternative script? Thanks in advance

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I believe all the other answers miss the point of the question (unless I am the one misunderstanding). What I think the author wanted was to have it such that when a form is submitted, its results are displayed in a fancybox. I didn't find that any of the other answers provided that functionality.

To achieve this, I used the jQuery Form Plugin ( to easily convert the form to an ajax call. Then I used the success callback to load the response into a fancybox using a manual call to $.fancybox().

$(document).ready(function() {
        success: function(responseText){
                'content' : responseText

So instead of attaching fancybox to some artificial <a> tag, you attach ajaxForm to the form itself.


A better idea is to use on-the-fly html, ie.

$("#buttontoclick").click(function() {
    $('<a href="path/to/whatever">Friendly description</a>').fancybox({
        overlayShow: true


$(document).ready(function() {

<input type="button" id="btn" value="Button" />
<div style="display:none;"> 
 <a href="#test" id="link">Click</a>

<div id="test" style="display:none;">fancy box content</div>

on click of the button you trigger a click on the href which is hidden.

hope this helps

Fancybox is able deal with ajax requests directly without the need of extra jQuery scripts.

$("#login_form").bind("submit", function() {

        type        : "POST",
        cache       : false,
        url         : "/login.php",
        data        : $(this).serializeArray(),
        success: function(data) {

    return false;

<form action="/login.php" method="POST" id="login_form">
<input type="input" size="20" name="username" />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />

Based from

  • Garland Pope's original solution [less .ajaxForm]
  • AJAX call solution by Paolo Bergantino [as replacement to .ajaxForm]
  • Fancybox loading animation handler by Myself [so the user knows the content is loading]


$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#myForm").submit(function() {
        $.fancybox.showLoading(); // start fancybox loading animation
            data: $(this).serialize(), // get the form data
            type: $(this).attr('method'), // GET or POST
            url: $(this).attr('action'), // the file to call
            success: function(response) { // on success..
                $.fancybox({ 'content' : response }); // target response to fancybox
            complete: function() { // on complete...
                $.fancybox.hideLoading(); //stop fancybox loading animation
        return false; // stop default submit event propagation


You can do a ajax submit of the form data, store the data in the session and then trigger the link click.

This solution may serve your purpose:

  • no ajax calls
  • use fancybox's iframe type option
  • pass url [+ data, via jquery's serialize method] in fancybox's href option
  • loading animation is automatic


        $('#yourform').submit(function() {
            var url = $(this).attr("action") + "?" + $(this).serialize();
                href: url,
                'type': 'iframe'
            return false;

i have just been struggling with this and have found a way to display the results in the iframe of fancy box, i am not good with ajax yet so needed a php solution using jquery any ways here goes, my first answer!!:

a little tweaking will need to be done in your jquery.fancybox js file, i was using jquery.fancybox.1.3.4.pack.js. open this up with any editor etc., and search for: name="fancybox-frame : thats it, there should only be one instance of this found and will look like:

 name="fancybox-frame'+(new Date).getTime()+'"

Now you want to rename the whole:

fancybox-frame'+(new Date).getTime()+'` 

to anything your want, i just called it: "fbframe" and save the file. Now add the jquery settings, and form as follows and it should work fine:

//activate jquery on page load and set onComplete the most important part of this working


                'width'             : '75%',
                'height'            : '100%',
                'autoScale'         : false,
                'type'              : 'iframe',
                'onComplete':function (){$('#formid').submit();},

//function called onclick of form button.      
function activatefancybox(Who){
    $("#setID").val(Who); // i set the value of a hidden input on the form
    $("#a").trigger('click');//trigger the hidden fancybox link


// hidden link 
 <a id="a" href='#'></a> 

 // form to submit to iframe to display results. 
 // it is important to set the target of the form to the name of 
 // the iframe you renamed in the fancybox js file.
 <form name='iduser' id='iduser' action='page.php' target='fbframe' method='post'>
 <input />
 <input />
 <input id='setID' type='hidden' name='userid' value='' />
 <input type="button" onClick='testfb(123)' />

The proccess is:

click submit -> call function -> function click FB link -> onComplete

onComplete Submits form to the iframe after FB has loaded it! done.

Please note I have ripped this out of my current project and have just edited certain required parts, I am still an amateur coder and would reccomend the ajax if you can. and also am only using FB1! FB2 is now available.

I just had to do this. Here's how I went about it.

   onStart : function() {
      $.post($(this).attr('href'), $('#formid').serialize());

That way you can submit the form and call the fancybox all in one shot. It does submit the form ajax style. The "submit" button needs to be in an <a> tag.

Hope that helps.

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