
So I didn't see a question here that really answers this question. It's kinda a newbie question about linq but I would like to know if it would be possible to convert the following sql query (built using C#) into a linq query:

public void DoSomeQuery(bool whereCriteria1, bool whereCriteria2)
    string sqlQuery = "SELECT p.*";
    string fromClause = " FROM person p";
    string whereClause = " WHERE ";

    if (whereCriteria1)
        fromClause += ", address a";
        whereClause += " p.addressid = a.addressid and a.state = 'PA' and = '16127' "

    if (whereCriteria2)
        fromClause += ", color c";
        whereClause += " p.favoritecolorid = c.colorid and = 'blue'"

    // arbitrarily many more criteria if blocks could be here

    sqlQuery += fromClause + whereClause;

    // do stuff to run the query

Does that make sense? I have a bunch of bool variables that let me know which where clause criteria to add. I want to do that in linq because well ... this is ugly.

Was it helpful?


var query = from p in persons select p;
if (whereCriteria1)
  query = from p in query 
  join a in address on p.addressid equals a.addressid 
  where a.state = 'PA' 
  where = '16127'
  select p;
if (whereCriteria2)
  query = from p in query
  join c in colors on p.favoritecolorid equals c.colorid 
  where = 'blue'
  select p;


You're looking for dynamic predicates built at runtime. Here is a good CodeProject article.

You may also be interested in this PredicateBuilder.

Sure, the answer is similar to the one I provided for this question. The basic strategy is to define your "base query" and then to conditionally add where clauses to the query.

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