
i want to add another block in invoice page like (Another information tab), is there a way that i can display another block or override it.

here is a snapshot in which i want to add another block

enter image description here

Please suggest any solution.

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First,you need to create custom module:

Via custom module

If you donot want to work at direct vendor folder then you need create a custom module

This module should consist of below files:

  • app/code/app/code/{vendorname}/{Company}/registration.php
  • app/code/{vendorname}/{Company}/composer.json
  • app/code/{vendorname}/{Company}/etc/module.xml

then Create a layout file sales_order_invoice_view.xml at app/code/{vendorname}/{Company}/view/adminhtml/layout

On thissales_order_invoice_view.xml add below code for change the template via layout for order_info and Also add a child block of this block which you want.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
     <page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd" 
        label="Email Order Items List" design_abstraction="custom">
         <referenceBlock name="order_info">
             <argument name="template" xsi:type="string">{vendorname}_{Company}::sales/invoice/info.phtml</argument>
             <!-- add Block -->
             <block class="Magento\Sales\Block\Adminhtml\Order\View\Info" name="custom.blockforinvoice" as="custom.blockforinvoice" template="vendorname}_{Company}::sales/invoice/info.phtml" />


Now new template phtml is located at app/code/{vendorname}/{Company}/view/adminhtml/templates/sales/invoice/info.phtml.

And then copy the code of vendor/magento/module-sales/view/adminhtml/templates/order/view/info.phtml

and paste on new info.phtml .

After, you need to call your custom block in new info.phtml by add this code

<?php $block->getChildHtml('custom.blockforinvoice') ?> after <?php endif; ?> of shipping information

After this your should do below

delete all file from var/cache and var/view_preprocessed and page_cache using rm -rfvar/cacheandrm -rf var/view_preprocessed,rm -rf var/page_cache`

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