
More information about what I want to do here;

I want a way so that my control panel (made with Perl and Webmin) can do this automatically. Right now I have to rely on system calls and have a binary for Linux. Is there a library that does it for Perl or some other language?

What's the best way of doing this?

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Solution 2

The website I reference had the answer I needed. I didn't know they made a linux variant.


I know nothing about RIFF files or their structure, uses, etc. But did you try searching CPAN? The first result looks pretty promising.

I have the following script for the exact thing you asked about.

    echo "$1"
    ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -f wav out.wav > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
    normalize-audio -q out.wav && \
    lame --silent -a -m m --cbr -b 64 -q 0 out.wav out.mp3 && \
    ffmpeg -y -i out.mp3 -f wav -acodec copy "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
    echo "done."

    rm out.wav out.mp3

Just edit the parameters to lame or just use the ffmpeg call and you're set.

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