
Is it possible to build a Silverlight application with an embedded on-screen keyboard that is context aware (e.g. on-screen keyboard appears only when a textbox is in focus).

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Yes, but you need additional javascript that will show\hide the silverlight app.

For example: User focuses password textbox, javascript fires showing your app. Click on app's virtual keyboard raises javascript that edits textbox.



I was looking for the same thing, so I created a Virtual Input Keyboard that can attach to Textboxes and other controls - have a look here:

Hope that helps, 5 months late though :)

Andrius Mudinas open sourced an excellent Silverlight on-screen keyboard:

We've integrated this into our own Silverlight app. Remember to copy the keyboard styling from their App.xaml to your project's App.xaml.

You can wire into the KeyPressed event.

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