
I need to have a JQuery color Picker, where I can change the different HTML elements on a page. It should be easy to implement, I should be able to pick a color, enter RGB values and Hex values. Which plugin is the best hassle free to use.

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This jQuery plugin is quite simple. You can enter Hex value but there is no method for RGB (as seems from demo page).


If you want to write in html5 you can use attribute type for input tag


<input type="color" name="helpme">


Try this site, It has bunch of color pickers. Choose which suits you best.

How about ColorPicker? It allows you to enter hex/RGB/HSB, or click on a nice colour chart.

What about This plugin

Farbtastic is my color picker of choice:
The js file is only 10kb, or less than 5kb if you minify it.

I have brought some of the MIT like jQuery color picker on this website. All of them have the links back to their original sites that have their implementation documentation in case you decide to use one of them.

But for which one is the "Best" one, you might have to judge it by yourself.

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