
In the DLR's LINQ Expressions, what is the difference between this:

Expression.Convert(SomeVariableExpression, typeof(T));

and this:

Expression.Unbox(SomeVariableExpression, typeof(T));

The documentation on this seems a bit sketchy.

And more to the point, which one of these is equivalent to this C# code:


Where ClassB has an implicit or explicit operator to cast to ClassA?

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Well the main difference is that Epression.Unbox is only needed for explicit unboxing of a value type off the heap. Expression.Convert is the method you would want to use to hook into a user-defined conversion (whether implicit or explicit).

See Expression.Convert:

If either expression.Type or type is a user-defined type that defines an implicit or explicit conversion operator, the MethodInfo that represents that operator is the implementing method.

and also:

If either expression.Type or type is a reference type and an explicit boxing, unboxing, or reference conversion exists from expression.Type to type, the implementing method is null.


The important thing Unbox is that it gives you the address of the boxed value. This ensures that you can call a method on the unboxed value. If that method mutates the value type then it's mutating the boxed version instead of a new copy. If you merely did Convert then you'd actually have made a copy of the boxed value type and then calling a method on it would mutate the copy and not the original value.

In general, boxing takes a value type and wraps it in an object. Unboxing does the reverse. You can think of this as boxing takes a register or stack value and puts it on the heap, returning a pointer to that value. Unboxing takes an object on the heap and puts it into a register or stack frame. The underlying datatype stays the same.

Convert changes one datatype into another.

Expression.Convert is the equivalent of doing a cast.

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