
I'm sure it's possible to profile the Enterprise Library SQL commands, but I haven't been able to figure out how to wrap the connection. This is what I have come up with:

Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(PROC);

ProfiledDbCommand cmd = new ProfiledDbCommand(dbCommand, dbCommand.Connection, MvcMiniProfiler.MiniProfiler.Current);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "foo", DbType.Int64, 0);

DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);

This results in the following exception:

Unable to cast object of type 'MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbCommand' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand'.

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The exception comes from this line in Entlib Database.DoLoadDataSet

    ((IDbDataAdapter) adapter).SelectCommand = command; 

In this case the adapter is of type SqlDataAdapter and it expects a SqlCommand, the command that is created by the ProfiledDbProviderFactory is of type ProfiledDbCommand as you see in the exception.

This solution will provide EntLib with a generic DbDataAdapter by overriding CreateDataAdapter and CreateCommand in the ProfiledDbProviderFactory. It seems to work as it should but I apologize if I've overseen any unwanted consequenses this hack might have (or sore eyes it might have caused ;) . Here it goes:

  1. Create two new classes ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib and DbDataAdapterForEntLib

    public class ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib : ProfiledDbProviderFactory
        private DbProviderFactory _tail;
        public static ProfiledDbProviderFactory Instance = new ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib();
        public ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib(): base(null, null)
        public void InitProfiledDbProviderFactory(IDbProfiler profiler, DbProviderFactory tail)
            base.InitProfiledDbProviderFactory(profiler, tail);
            _tail = tail;
        public override DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter()
            return new DbDataAdapterForEntLib(base.CreateDataAdapter());
        public override DbCommand CreateCommand()
            return _tail.CreateCommand(); 
    public class DbDataAdapterForEntLib : DbDataAdapter
        private DbDataAdapter _dbDataAdapter;
        public DbDataAdapterForEntLib(DbDataAdapter adapter)
        : base(adapter)
            _dbDataAdapter = adapter;
  2. In Web.config, Add the ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib to DbProviderFactories and set ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib as providerName for your connectionstring

            <section name="dataConfiguration" type="..."  />
            <add name="SqlServerConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=dbname;User ID=u;Password=p"
      providerName="ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib" />
              <add name="EntLib DB Provider"
               description="Profiled DB provider for EntLib"
               type="MvcApplicationEntlib.ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib,     MvcApplicationEntlib, Version=, Culture=neutral"/>
        <dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="..." />
        <appSettings>... <system.web>... etc ...

    (MvcApplicationEntlib is the name of my test project)

  3. Set up the ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib before any calls to the DB (readers sensitive to hacks be warned, this is where it gets ugly)

    //In Global.asax.cs 
        protected void Application_Start()
            ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib profiledProfiledDbProviderFactoryFor = ((ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib)DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib"));
            DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient"); //or whatever predefined factory you want to profile
            profiledProfiledDbProviderFactoryFor.InitProfiledDbProviderFactory(MiniProfiler.Current, factory); 

    This could probably been done in a better way or in another place. MiniProfiler.Current will be null here because nothing is profiled here.

  4. Call the stored procedure just as you did from the beginning

    public class HomeController : Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
                DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("spGetSomething");
                DbCommand cmd = new ProfiledDbCommand(dbCommand, dbCommand.Connection, MiniProfiler.Current);
                DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);

Edit: Ok wasn't sure exactly how you wanted to use it. To skip the manual creation of a ProfiledDbCommand. The ProfiledDbProviderFactory needs to be initiated with the miniprofiler for every request.

  1. In Global.asax.cs, Remove the changes you made to Application_Start (the factory setup in step 3 above), add this to Application_BeginRequest instead.

    ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib profiledProfiledDbProviderFactoryFor = ((ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib) DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib"));
    DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient");
    profiledProfiledDbProviderFactoryFor.InitProfiledDbProviderFactory(MvcMiniProfiler.MiniProfiler.Start(), factory);
  2. Remove the method CreateCommand from ProfiledDbProviderFactoryForEntLib to let the ProfiledDbProviderFactory create the profiled command instead.

  3. Execute your SP without creating a ProfiledDbCommand, like this

    Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
    DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("spGetSomething");
    DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);


This is quite and old post, but I think its worth to mention how I have sorted this out.

Due to the way our application was implemented it wasn't easy to apply the solution by Jonas, so I went down the road of changing the EntLib Datablock (which I have already modified in our project).

The thing was as easy as just modify the methods DoExecuteXXX in the Database class so they call the miniprofiler, which previously I have changed to expose the SqlProfiler as public.

Just doing:

if (_miniProfiler != null)
    _miniProfiler.ExecuteStart(command, StackExchange.Profiling.Data.ExecuteType.NonQuery);

at the begining of each method and

if (_miniProfiler != null)
    _miniProfiler.ExecuteFinish(command, StackExchange.Profiling.Data.ExecuteType.NonQuery); 

in the finally block did the trick. Just changing the Execution type to the appropriate for the method being changed.

The miniprofiler instance was obtained in the constructor of the DatabaseClass

if (MiniProfiler.Current != null)
    _miniProfiler = MiniProfiler.Current.SqlProfiler;

You can try something like this.

Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(PROC);

ProfiledDbCommand cmd = new ProfiledDbCommand(dbCommand, dbCommand.Connection, MvcMiniProfiler.MiniProfiler.Current);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "foo", DbType.Int64, 0);

DbConnection dbc = MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbConnection.Get(dbCommand.Connection, MiniProfiler.Current);
DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbc);

Update :

After a lot of searching though the EntLib Data source code, The SqlDatabase, it's doesn't look like there is really an easy way to achive this. Sorry. I know I am.

This actually seems to be an issue with Mvc-Mini-Profiler. If you look at this Issues 19 Link on MVC-Mini-Profiler Project Home, you will see other people are having the same Issue.

I've spent quite a while going though System.Data.SqlClient with Reflector, and ProfiledDbProviderFactory, trying to see what the Issue is and it seems like the following is were the problem is. This is found in ProfiledDbProviderFactory class.

 public override DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter()        
     return tail.CreateDataAdapter();        

Now the problem isn't exactly with this code but the fact that when Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database class calls an intance of DbDataAdapter (tail in our case is SqlClientFactory) it creates SqlClientFactory Command, and then tries to set the Connection of this command to ProfiledDbConnection and this is were it breaks.

I've tried creating my own Factory classes to get around this but I just get too lost. Maybe when I have some free time I will try and sort this out, unless SO team beats me to it. :)

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