
A programmer I respect said that in C code, #if and #ifdef should be avoided at all costs, except possibly in header files. Why would it be considered bad programming practice to use #ifdef in a .c file?

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Hard to maintain. Better use interfaces to abstract platform specific code than abusing conditional compilation by scattering #ifdefs all over your implementation.


void foo() {
#ifdef WIN32
   // do Windows stuff
   // do Posix stuff
   // do general stuff

Is not nice. Instead have files foo_w32.c and foo_psx.c with


void foo() {
    // windows implementation


void foo() {
    // posix implementation


void foo();  // common interface

Then have 2 makefiles1:, Makefile.psx, with each compiling the appropriate .c file and linking against the right object.

Minor amendment:

If foo()'s implementation depends on some code that appears in all platforms, E.g. common_stuff()2, simply call that in your foo() implementations.



void common_stuff();  // May be implemented in common.c, or maybe has multiple
                      // implementations in common_{A, B, ...} for platforms
                      // { A, B, ... }. Irrelevant.

foo_{w32, psx}.c:

void foo()  {  // Win32/Posix implementation
   // Stuff
   if (bar) {

While you may be repeating a function call to common_stuff(), you can't parameterize your definition of foo() per platform unless it follows a very specific pattern. Generally, platform differences require completely different implementations and don't follow such patterns.

  1. Makefiles are used here illustratively. Your build system may not use make at all, such as if you use Visual Studio, CMake, Scons, etc.
  2. Even if common_stuff() actually has multiple implementations, varying per platform.


(Somewhat off the asked question)

I saw a tip once suggesting the use of #if(n)def/#endif blocks for use in debugging/isolating code instead of commenting.

It was suggested to help avoid situations in which the section to be commented already had documentation comments and a solution like the following would have to be implemented:

/* <-- begin debug cmnt   if (condition) /* comment */
/* <-- restart debug cmnt {
*/ <-- end debug cmnt

Instead, this would be:


                if (condition) /* comment */

Seemed like a neat idea to me. Wish I could remember the source so I could link it :(

  1. Because then when you do search results you don't know if the code is in or out without reading it.

  2. Because they should be used for OS/Platform dependencies, and therefore that kind of code should be in files like io_win.c or io_macos.c

My interpretation of this rule: Your (algorithmic) program logic should not be influenced by preprocessor defines. The functioning of your code should always be concise. Any other form of logic (platform, debug) should be abstractable in header files.

This is more a guideline than a strict rule, IMHO. But I agree that c-syntax based solutions are preferred over preprocessor magic.

The conditional compilation is hard to debug. One has to know all the settings in order to figure out which block of code the program will execute.

I once spent a week debugging a multi-threaded application that used conditional compilation. The problem was that the identifier was not spelled the same. One module used #if FEATURE_1 while the problem area used #if FEATURE1 (Notice the underscore).

I a big proponent of letting the makefile handle the configuration by including the correct libraries or objects. Makes to code more readable. Also, the majority of the code becomes configuration independent and only a few files are configuration dependent.

A reasonable goal but not so great as a strict rule

The advice to try and keep preprocessor conditionals in header files is good, as it allows you to select interfaces conditionally but not litter the code with confusing and ugly preprocessor logic.

However, there is lots and lots and lots of code that looks like the made-up example below, and I don't think there is a clearly better alternative. I think you have cited a reasonable guideline but not a great gold-tablet-commandment.

#if defined(SOME_IOCTL)
   case SOME_IOCTL:
#if defined(SOME_OTHER_IOCTL)
#if defined(YET_ANOTHER_IOCTL)

CPP is a separate (non-Turing-complete) macro language on top of (usually) C or C++. As such, it's easy to get mixed up between it and the base language, if you're not careful. That's the usual argument against macros instead of e.g. c++ templates, anyway. But #ifdef? Just go try to read someone else's code you've never seen before that has a bunch of ifdefs.

e.g. try reading these Reed-Solomon multiply-a-block-by-a-constant-Galois-value functions:

If you didn't have the following hint, it will take you a minute to figure out what's going on: There are two versions: one simple, and one with a pre-computed lookup table (LONGMULTIPLY). Even so, have fun tracing the #if BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN. I found it a lot easier to read when I rewrote that bit to use a le16_to_cpu function, (whose definition was inside #if clauses) inspired by Linux's byteorder.h stuff.

If you need different low-level behaviour depending on the build, try to encapsulate that in low-level functions that provide consistent behaviour everywhere, instead of putting #if stuff right inside your larger functions.

It's true that #if #endif does complicate the reading of the code. However I have seen a lot of real world code that have no issues using this and are still going strong. So there may be better ways to avoid using #if #endif but using them is not that bad if proper care is taken.

If your code will be compiled with different C compilers, and you use compiler-specific features, then you may need to determine which predefined macros are available.

By all means, favor abstraction over conditional compilation. As anyone who has written portable software can tell you, however, the number of environmental permutations is staggering. Some design discipline can help, but sometimes the choice is between elegance and meeting a schedule. In such cases, a compromise might be necessary.

Late answer, but I stumbled on this while looking for something related.

Consider the situation where you are required to provide fully tested code, with 100% branch coverage etc. Now add in conditional compilation.

Each unique symbol used to control conditional compilation doubles the number of code variants you need to test. So, one symbol - you have two variants. Two symbols, you now have four different ways to compile your code. And so on.

And this only applies for boolean tests such as #ifdef. You can easily imagine the problem if a test is of the form #if VARIABLE == SCALAR_VALUE_FROM_A_RANGE.

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