
I had this:

class ProposalsController < ApplicationController
  def forkIt 

     return "FFFFFUUUU"

But when I tried to access the method (so I can gave my FFFFUUUU RAGE) it told me that such method was undefined.

Now, I read somewhere that i needed to make it accessible, so this came

class ProposalsController < ApplicationController
   attr_accessor :forkIt
   def forkIt 
      return "FFFFFUUUU"

This is the ruby console extract

ruby-1.9.2-p0 > @proposal = Proposal.find(4)
 => #<Proposal id: 4, title: "asda", description: "fdsfds", owner: 1, parent_id: nil, created_at: "2011-08-12 21:28:39", updated_at: "2011-08-12 21:28:39"> 
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > @proposal.forkIt
NoMethodError: undefined method `forkIt' for #<Proposal:0x9b11030>

But still nothing... help this Ruby noob. thanks.

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You defined your forkIt method on on your controller, ProposalsController, but you're calling it on the model, Proposal.

You need to move forkIt to the model class.

@proposal = Proposal.find(4) makes @propsal an instance of the Proposal class, not the ProposalControllers class.

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