
In my iPhone app I am using Omniture to track.

The code I am writing in AppDelegate :

 OMAppMeasurement * s = [OMAppMeasurement getInstance];

/* Specify the Report Suite ID(s) to track here */
s.account = @"reportSuiteID";

s.currencyCode = @"USD";
/* Turn on and configure debugging here */

s.debugTracking = YES;

/* WARNING: Changing any of the below variables will cause drastic
 to how your visitor data is collected. Changes should only be made
 when instructed to do so by your account manager.*/


s.trackingServer = @"trackingserver";
[s track];

And my console shows only one line :

App Measurement Library compile time = Jan 25 2011 11:46:14

Suggest me what I am doing wrong?

Is my code at right place?

And in site where can I see reports?

Was it helpful?


With all our client we have used a different sintax for the implementation. We put OMAppMeasurement * s; in the AppDelegate and all the configuration code in applicationDidFinishLaunching function. This is the certified implementation found in all the Omniture Implementation Document.

#import "BasicExampleAppDelegate.h"
@implementation BasicExampleAppDelegate

OMAppMeasurement * s;

@synthesize window = window_;

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {

    //Instantiate instance
    s = [[OMAppMeasurement alloc] init];
    //Setup application config variables
    s.account = @"RSID";  

    s.trackingServer = @"TRACKSERVER";  

    s.pageName = @"Main Page";

    [s track];

  [window_ makeKeyAndVisible];

- (void)dealloc {
  [s release];
  [window_ release];
  [super dealloc];



Check if all necessary files and frameworks are included in your project ("OMAppMeasurement.h" and the frameworks libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iPhoneDevice.a and libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iPhoneSimulator_4_0_GM.a).

Try to create a NSDictionary with your own tracking data and use (void)track:(NSDictionary *)variableOverrides. There are no positive sign (as an log statement) if the tracking was successful.

The reports can be seen on the Omniture Website.

Edit: The initialization code had to be in the UIAppDelegate. The [track] call had to be where you want to track some data (e.g. in the init methods of some UIViewController or after some button was pressed).

A Guide can be found here

Take a look at this guide:

helped me a lot, loads of information :)

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