
Do you know any open-source project in EDA (Electronic Design Automation) looking for C++ programmers?

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You might want to talk to the owners of Icarus Verilog or Verilator. There are a host of other tools on freshmeat too which are into EDA and open source.


You might be able to get into gEDA if you hang out on their mailing list. Details:

I dig up this old topic, but we from the KiCad EDA project still searching for new developers and testers. KiCad is a GPL'ed suite for drawing schematics, printed circuit boards and viewing gerbers. Its written in C++ with the wxWidgets toolkit and is able to work native on Windows, Linux/BSD and Mac OSX.

Read more about the project at:

And the project is now hosted at launchpad.

We extensively used Electric during our VLSI and Microelectronics classes. The project is sponsored by Sun and may soon get orphaned in the post Oracle days. It will be worthwhile contacting them and offering assistance. It is a great tool worth supporting.

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