
I'm using Restful Authentication and I'd like to be able to log in as different users on our site to investigate issues they may be having ("see what they see"). Since all passwords are encrypted I obviously can't just use their passwords.

So, how can I force a session to be logged in as a specific user?

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  • In your sessions_controller add action impersonate like this:

    def impersonate
      user = User.find(params[:id])
      self.current_user = user
      flash[:notice] = t(:logged_in)
      redirect_to root_url
  • Then in your routes extend session resource with the member impersonate:

    map.resource :session, :member => {:impersonate => :post}
  • Finally, somewhere in your admin views add a button to each user called "Impersonate". It will have to look something like this (assuming that user is in local variable user):

    <%= button_to "Impersonate", impersonate_session_path(:id => %>

Using this approach you also avoid overriding any tracking data such as time of the last login, etc.

P.S. Don't forget to require admin for impersonate action in sessions controller.


Simply override session[:user_id] with the id of the user you want to be. One easy way is to have the user log in as an admin and then give them a drop-down of usernames. When they submit the form, have the controller set session[:user_id] and then reload current_user. The admin will then 'become' that user.

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