

select * from table_name ORDER BY name like 'C%' DESC;

This query work fine in MySql, but i am unable build the query using Zend DB. I am getting error while executing.

PHP DB code:

$result = $this->getDefaultAdapter() ->select() ->from($this->_name,array('*')) ->order("name like 'C%' DESC") ->query() ->fetchAll();


Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'name like 'C%'' in 'order clause' 

Thanks in advance

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Zend_Db_Select tries to delimit strings as column names, but it skips doing that if you pass an object of type Zend_Db_Expr instead of a string:

->order(new Zend_Db_Expr("name like 'C%' DESC"))->

There's also an undocumented shortcut: the column-delimiting function assumes that any string containing parentheses is very likely to be an expression instead of just a column name. So the following would work too:

->order( "(name like 'C%' DESC)" )->


I'm not familiar with zend but Try to rewrite your sql query in Zend like this

select *, (`name` like 'C%') as theFiled from  table_name by theFiled desc;

Though i'm not so sure I guess that the Zend Code must be something like this,

 $result = $this->getDefaultAdapter() ->select() 
->from($this->_name,array('*', "theFiled" => "name like 'C%'") ->order("theFiled DESC") 
->query() ->fetchAll();
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