
I am working in a wizard in WPF application. As the wizard gathers a lot of information I have designed separate view models for each step (view) in a wizard. But I have to hold all this information in an object to display in a summary screen and push to database when the user reviews the summary and submits.

Example: Say there is a vehicle registration wizard.

class VehicleDetails
     string Name {get;set;}
     int Number {get;set;}

class VehicleOwner
  string Name {get;set;}
  string Address {get;set;}

Class VehicleFeatures
  string Color {get;set;}
  int EngineCapacity {get;set;}

Now as the user fills all this information step by step I have to hold the information in a seperate instance to summarize and submit.

Class Vehicle________ (Master/Container/?)
  VehicleDetails Details {get;set;}
  VehicleOwner Owner {get;set;}
  VehicleFeatures Features {get;set;}

What is the best way I could name so that the furute 'Reader' of this code could understand my intent ? Is there any standard vocabulary for such scenario ?

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In layman's terms:

  • Nobody said class members had to be primitives.
  • Class members can be of any type, including user-defined types.
  • The fact that some members of the class Vehicle are user-defined doesn't make Vehicle into a VehicleContainer or a VehicleMaster
  • A vehicle container would be a class that containts vehicles, which in this case it is not
  • VehicleMaster would be... I don't know what that would be.

Bottom line: the name of the class should be Vehicle.

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