
I have a JInternalFrame window that needs to popup a modal dialog box when a JButton is pressed. At first, I tried using JDialog, but I found that JDialog constructor needs:

  1. JFrame
  2. boolean modal

I tried passing JInternalFrame to it, but the type didn't match.

Should I use JDialog with JInternalFrame? What if I dont specify the owner (i.e. passing a null)? Is there anything wrong with that?

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SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Window.class, myButton)

The abvove method will return the Window that contains your button. Once you have it you can pass it to the constructor of the dialog :)

EDIT1: I misread the question I guess. How can you have a JinternalFrame as the topmost window??

EDIT2: Also if you pass null to Jdialog constrcutor then by default it uses a shared owner i.e SwingUtilities.getSharedOwnerFrame()

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