
How do I determine the size of my array in C?

That is, the number of elements the array can hold?

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Executive summary:

int a[17];
size_t n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);

Full answer:

To determine the size of your array in bytes, you can use the sizeof operator:

int a[17];
size_t n = sizeof(a);

On my computer, ints are 4 bytes long, so n is 68.

To determine the number of elements in the array, we can divide the total size of the array by the size of the array element. You could do this with the type, like this:

int a[17];
size_t n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int);

and get the proper answer (68 / 4 = 17), but if the type of a changed you would have a nasty bug if you forgot to change the sizeof(int) as well.

So the preferred divisor is sizeof(a[0]), the size of the zeroeth element of the array.

int a[17];
size_t n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);

Another advantage is that you can now easily parameterize the array name in a macro and get:

#define NELEMS(x)  (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))

int a[17];
size_t n = NELEMS(a);


The sizeof way is the right way iff you are dealing with arrays not received as parameters. An array sent as a parameter to a function is treated as a pointer, so sizeof will return the pointer's size, instead of the array's.

Thus, inside functions this method does not work. Instead, always pass an additional parameter size_t size indicating the number of elements in the array.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void printSizeOf(int intArray[]);
void printLength(int intArray[]);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int array[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

    printf("sizeof of array: %d\n", (int) sizeof(array));

    printf("Length of array: %d\n", (int)( sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]) ));

void printSizeOf(int intArray[])
    printf("sizeof of parameter: %d\n", (int) sizeof(intArray));

void printLength(int intArray[])
    printf("Length of parameter: %d\n", (int)( sizeof(intArray) / sizeof(intArray[0]) ));

Output (in a 64-bit Linux OS):

sizeof of array: 28
sizeof of parameter: 8
Length of array: 7
Length of parameter: 2

Output (in a 32-bit windows OS):

sizeof of array: 28
sizeof of parameter: 4
Length of array: 7
Length of parameter: 1

It is worth noting that sizeof doesn't help when dealing with an array value that has decayed to a pointer: even though it points to the start of an array, to the compiler it is the same as a pointer to a single element of that array. A pointer does not "remember" anything else about the array that was used to initialize it.

int a[10];
int* p = a;

assert(sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) == 10);
assert(sizeof(p) == sizeof(int*));
assert(sizeof(*p) == sizeof(int));

The sizeof "trick" is the best way I know, with one small but (to me, this being a major pet peeve) important change in the use of parenthesis.

As the Wikipedia entry makes clear, C's sizeof is not a function; it's an operator. Thus, it does not require parenthesis around its argument, unless the argument is a type name. This is easy to remember, since it makes the argument look like a cast expression, which also uses parenthesis.

So: If you have the following:

int myArray[10];

You can find the number of elements with code like this:

size_t n = sizeof myArray / sizeof *myArray;

That, to me, reads a lot easier than the alternative with parenthesis. I also favor use of the asterisk in the right-hand part of the division, since it's more concise than indexing.

Of course, this is all compile-time too, so there's no need to worry about the division affecting the performance of the program. So use this form wherever you can.

It is always best to use sizeof on an actual object when you have one, rather than on a type, since then you don't need to worry about making an error and stating the wrong type.

For instance, say you have a function that outputs some data as a stream of bytes, for instance across a network. Let's call the function send(), and make it take as arguments a pointer to the object to send, and the number of bytes in the object. So, the prototype becomes:

void send(const void *object, size_t size);

And then you need to send an integer, so you code it up like this:

int foo = 4711;
send(&foo, sizeof (int));

Now, you've introduced a subtle way of shooting yourself in the foot, by specifying the type of foo in two places. If one changes but the other doesn't, the code breaks. Thus, always do it like this:

send(&foo, sizeof foo);

Now you're protected. Sure, you duplicate the name of the variable, but that has a high probability of breaking in a way the compiler can detect, if you change it.

int size = (&arr)[1] - arr;

Check out this link for explanation

You can use sizeof operator but it will not work for functions because it will take the reference of pointer you can do the following to find the length of an array:

len = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])

Code originally found here: C program to find the number of elements in an array

If you know the data type of the array, you can use something like:

int arr[] = {23, 12, 423, 43, 21, 43, 65, 76, 22};

int noofele = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int);

Or if you don't know the data type of array, you can use something like:

noofele = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

Note: This thing only works if the array is not defined at run time (like malloc) and the array is not passed in a function. In both cases, arr (array name) is a pointer.

The macro ARRAYELEMENTCOUNT(x) that everyone is making use of evaluates incorrectly. This, realistically, is just a sensitive matter, because you can't have expressions that result in an 'array' type.

/* Compile as: CL /P "macro.c" */
# define ARRAYELEMENTCOUNT(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0]))


Actually evaluates as:

(sizeof (p + 1) / sizeof (p + 1[0]));


/* Compile as: CL /P "macro.c" */
# define ARRAYELEMENTCOUNT(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x)[0])


It correctly evaluates to:

(sizeof (p + 1) / sizeof (p + 1)[0]);

This really doesn't have a lot to do with the size of arrays explicitly. I've just noticed a lot of errors from not truly observing how the C preprocessor works. You always wrap the macro parameter, not an expression in might be involved in.

This is correct; my example was a bad one. But that's actually exactly what should happen. As I previously mentioned p + 1 will end up as a pointer type and invalidate the entire macro (just like if you attempted to use the macro in a function with a pointer parameter).

At the end of the day, in this particular instance, the fault doesn't really matter (so I'm just wasting everyone's time; huzzah!), because you don't have expressions with a type of 'array'. But really the point about preprocessor evaluation subtles I think is an important one.

For multidimensional arrays it is a tad more complicated. Oftenly people define explicit macro constants, i.e.

#define g_rgDialogRows   2
#define g_rgDialogCols   7

static char const* g_rgDialog[g_rgDialogRows][g_rgDialogCols] =
    { " ",  " ",    " ",    " 494", " 210", " Generic Sample Dialog", " " },
    { " 1", " 330", " 174", " 88",  " ",    " OK",        " " },

But these constants can be evaluated at compile-time too with sizeof:

#define rows_of_array(name)       \
    (sizeof(name   ) / sizeof(name[0][0]) / columns_of_array(name))
#define columns_of_array(name)    \
    (sizeof(name[0]) / sizeof(name[0][0]))

static char* g_rgDialog[][7] = { /* ... */ };

assert(   rows_of_array(g_rgDialog) == 2);
assert(columns_of_array(g_rgDialog) == 7);

Note that this code works in C and C++. For arrays with more than two dimensions use


etc., ad infinitum.

Size of an array in C:

int a[10];
size_t size_of_array = sizeof(a);      // Size of array a
int n = sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0]);    // Number of elements in array a
size_t size_of_element = sizeof(a[0]); // Size of each element in array a                                          
                                       // Size of each element = size of type
sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])
#define SIZE_OF_ARRAY(_array) (sizeof(_array) / sizeof(_array[0]))

"you've introduced a subtle way of shooting yourself in the foot"

C 'native' arrays do not store their size. It is therefore recommended to save the length of the array in a separate variable/const, and pass it whenever you pass the array, that is:

#define MY_ARRAY_LENGTH   15
int myArray[MY_ARRAY_LENGTH];

You SHOULD always avoid native arrays (unless you can't, in which case, mind your foot). If you are writing C++, use the STL's 'vector' container. "Compared to arrays, they provide almost the same performance", and they are far more useful!

// vector is a template, the <int> means it is a vector of ints
vector<int> numbers;  

// push_back() puts a new value at the end (or back) of the vector
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

// Determine the size of the array
cout << numbers.size();


@ Magnus: The standard defines sizeof as yielding the number of bytes in the object and that sizeof (char) is always one. The number of bits in a byte is implementation specific.

Edit: ANSI C++ standard section 5.3.3 Sizeof:

The sizeof operator yields the number of bytes in the object representation of its operand. [...] sizeof (char), sizeof (signed char) and sizeof (unsigned char) are 1; the result of sizeof applied to any other fundamental type is implementation-defined.

Section 1.6 The C++ memory model:

The fundamental storage unit in the C++ memory model is the byte. A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits, the number of which is implementation-defined.

@Skizz: I am pretty sure I am right, although the best "source" I can give you at the moment is Wikipedia, from the article on sizeof:

Wikipedia is wrong, Skizz is right. sizeof(char) is 1, by definition.

I mean, just read the Wikipedia entry really closely to see that it's wrong. "multiples of char". sizeof(char) can never be anything other than "1". If it were, say, 2, it would mean that sizeof(char) was twice the size of char!

If you really want to do this to pass around your array I suggest implementing a structure to store a pointer to the type you want an array of and an integer representing the size of the array. Then you can pass that around to your functions. Just assign the array variable value (pointer to first element) to that pointer. Then you can go Array.arr[i] to get the i-th element and use Array.size to get the number of elements in the array.

I included some code for you. It's not very useful but you could extend it with more features. To be honest though, if these are the things you want you should stop using C and use another language with these features built in.

/* Absolutely no one should use this...
   By the time you're done implementing it you'll wish you just passed around
   an array and size to your functions */
/* This is a static implementation. You can get a dynamic implementation and 
   cut out the array in main by using the stdlib memory allocation methods,
   but it will work much slower since it will store your array on the heap */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "MyTypeArray.h"
/* MyTypeArray.h 
typedef struct MyType
   int age;
   char name[20];
} MyType;
typedef struct MyTypeArray
   int size;
   MyType *arr;
} MyTypeArray;

MyType new_MyType(int age, char *name);
MyTypeArray newMyTypeArray(int size, MyType *first);
End MyTypeArray.h */

/* MyTypeArray.c */
MyType new_MyType(int age, char *name)
   MyType d;
   d.age = age;
   strcpy(, name);
   return d;

MyTypeArray new_MyTypeArray(int size, MyType *first)
   MyTypeArray d;
   d.size = size;
   d.arr = first;
   return d;
/* End MyTypeArray.c */

void print_MyType_names(MyTypeArray d)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < d.size; i++)
      printf("Name: %s, Age: %d\n", d.arr[i].name, d.arr[i].age);

int main()
   /* First create an array on the stack to store our elements in.
      Note we could create an empty array with a size instead and
      set the elements later. */
   MyType arr[] = {new_MyType(10, "Sam"), new_MyType(3, "Baxter")};
   /* Now create a "MyTypeArray" which will use the array we just
      created internally. Really it will just store the value of the pointer
      "arr". Here we are manually setting the size. You can use the sizeof
      trick here instead if you're sure it will work with your compiler. */
   MyTypeArray array = new_MyTypeArray(2, arr);
   /* MyTypeArray array = new_MyTypeArray(sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]), arr); */
   return 0;

The best way is you save this information, for example, in a structure:

typedef struct {
     int *array;
     int elements;
} list_s;

Implement all necessary functions such as create, destroy, check equality, and everything else you need. It is easier to pass as a parameter.

The function sizeof returns the number of bytes which is used by your array in the memory. If you want to calculate the number of elements in your array, you should divide that number with the sizeof variable type of the array. Let's say int array[10];, if variable type integer in your computer is 32 bit (or 4 bytes), in order to get the size of your array, you should do the following:

int array[10];
int sizeOfArray = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);

You can use the & operator. Here is the source code:

int main(){

    int a[10];

    int *p; 

    printf("%p\n", (void *)a); 
    printf("%p\n", (void *)(&a+1));
    printf("---- diff----\n");
    printf("%zu\n", sizeof(a[0]));
    printf("The size of array a is %zu\n", ((char *)(&a+1)-(char *)a)/(sizeof(a[0])));

    return 0;

Here is the sample output

---- diff----
The size of array a is 10
int a[10];
int size = (*(&a+1)-a) ;

For more details see here and also here.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int size;
    scanf("%d", &size);
    int array[size];
    printf("%d\n", (int) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(int)));
    printf("%d\n", (int) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])));
    return 0;
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