
I'd like to be able to use a little bit of the space in my Dropbox account to create a backup of Evernote. This way if anything happens to Evernote cloud service I'd still have access to the Dropbox backup. Any ideas?

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My article at explains how to do this using the App store version of Evernote:

  1. Move ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/Evernote to /Users/my_user_on_the_system/Dropbox.
  2. Create an alias of /Users/my_user_on_the_system/Dropbox/Evernote.
  3. Move the alias of /Evernote back to ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/


One other way to achieve this is to use cloudHQ: service meant to replicate and synchronize data.

  1. So cloudHQ can basically sync and replicate all your Evernote notes with Dropbox, GDrive or some other cloud services (we also support also Basecamp, Salesforce).

  2. cloudHQ will export all you notes into TXT, ENEX, PDF, OpenOffice, and/or MS Word. Since our sync is continuous any change in Evernote will be immediately sync'd to Dropbox (or GDrive, Box, SugarSync, etc.)

  3. You can do two-sync: so any change from GDrive/Dropbox will be automatically uploaded into Evernote

  4. Even if you change Evernote via mobile or via web interface changes will be backed up immediately.

Using the service you can automate your evernote activity to dropbox. Here is a recipe to use:

Rich, the founder of Revert here. We provide free automatic daily backup for Evernote and a growing selection of other apps including Dropbox. Using Revert for backup takes the fuss out of the backup process and makes restoring notes or notebooks fast and easy.

We were reviewed recently on The Next Web.

Give it a try and if you have any questions feel free to ask a follow on question here.

There is a product called , it creates a backup for evernote, dropbox and some other cloud product and allows you to not only search across all of them but also restore. I think it is free for evernote users.

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