
I use Delphi for many years, and although I have now moved on to Visual Studio I still fondly remember numbered bookmarks (CTRL+K+1 to set bookmark 1, CTRL+Q+1 to goto bookmark 1).

Is there a Visual Studio equivalent? I'm find the dumb bookmarks in VS a chore after Delphi. I want to bookmark then return to a specific place in the file.

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DPack can give you numbered bookmarks in VisualStudio.


Ctrl K + Ctrl K - Add/Remove Bookmark on Line
Ctrl K + Ctrl N - Go to Next Bookmark
Ctrl K + Ctrl P - Go to Previous Bookmark

There are other options as well. Look under Edit->Bookmarks menu,

More a comment on your original question than an actual answer but Delphi has had much easier to remember (and type) keyboard shortcuts than what you quote available for quite some time now:

Set bookmark 1: Ctrl-Shift-1

Go to bookmark 1: Ctrl-1

If you ever go back to Delphi, this should make your life so much easier! ;)



I find this one also very useful: Ctrl K + Ctrk L - Clear alll bookmarks

Just to amplify Lars Truijens answer. DPack is a GExperts like plugin for visual studio. I found it great help when moving from the Delphi IDE to Visual Studio.

There is a Bookmark Window. Go to menu View/Bookmark Window (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W).

In there you can see all your bookmarks and rename them. That is a lot better than just seeing the numbers.

For some reason they don't allow to order that list by clicking in a column header, but you can drag the bookmarks and accommodate them in the order you want.

I use:

CTRL-F2        toggle bookmark
F2             next bookmark
SHIFT-F2       previous bookmark
CTRL-SHIFT-F2  clear all bookmarks

BTW, after using Visual Studio for years I just found about a couple of months ago that you can press ALT and drag mouse to mark a column or a square.

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