
After successfully migrated from Magento 1.x to 2.x I am getting issues with Indexer, Check below screen.

(I need to Show products on frontend So, re-indexing is must)

Please see this error when try to do reindexing

Please Help Thanks in Advance.

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As stated in the comments, most probably you imported some tier prices for at least a product for a website that does not exist.

To fix this you have to identify the rows in the table catalog_product_entity_tier_price that have in the column website_id a value that is not present in the table store_website.

A rough query could be

    catalog_product_entity_tier_price tier
    website_id NOT IN (
        SELECT website_id FROM store_website

I'm sure this is not optimized but it should work.
To delete the rows if any just change in the query above SELECT * with DELETE.
This is not tested and I might be wrong so please backup your db first.

If there are rows and you delete them, try reindexing again.

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