
I would like to call a dynamic function on a Content Script (Chrome Extension). But the common way doesn't work:

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function cs_listener(request, sender, sendResponse) {

request.action is blah. Where function blah() is a....and now it comes...a function!

Error thrown:

Error in event handler for 'undefined': TypeError: object is not a function

Someone got over this? I really don't like to make a switch for every action I need.

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You have to use




creates an array containing request.action, and tries to call that, which results in the error. window[request.action](); gets the property named request.action from window and calls that.

You also might want to check if the property is defined first:

if(typeof window[request.action] == "function")


Another way would be just calling that function from a background page, without sending a request:

chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {code: "dynamic_function_name()"});
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