
I'm doing a login. The problem is: my isUserLoggedIn() method is called several times by other sessions (i've checked using (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false)).

The Login bean (of a JSF page) is this:

public class Login implements Serializable {

    private Credentials credentials;

    private UserData user;

    public String login() {
        if (this.credentials.getUsername().equals("daniel")) {
            user = new UserData("Daniel");
            return "success";
        return "failure";

    public boolean isUserLoggedIn() {
        return user != null;

    public String logout() {
        user = null;
        ((HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false)).invalidate();
        return "success";

    public String getUsername() {
        return getUser() == null ? "" : getUser().getUsername();

    public UserData getUser() {
        return user;

So, what happens is: when login() is called, I can see via getSession() that it is X, but then, afterwards while trying to access another page, when calling isUserLoggedIn(), the getSession() method returns Y instead of X, and the user attribute is null. Frequently the isUserLoggedIn() method is called several times with just 1 request, and it's session changes each time it is called.

By the way, I'm using JBoss AS7 Final, and my faces-config.xml is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faces-config version="2.0" xmlns=""
    xmlns:xi="" xmlns:xsi=""

            <redirect />
            <redirect />
            <redirect />

Any ideas? Thank you.

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After some time back there I discovered that the problem had to do with the url path. The cookie was generated for a path and when changing the path and trying to access the session, it was generated another one.

Anyway, I discovered that this is definitely NOT the way to secure Java EE apps (see Java EE 6 manual), so I'm going other way.


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