
I try to create something like breadcrumb navigation using MVC3.

When user go to page he has for example: Home (id = 1), About (id = 2), and Hello (id = 3) links. These links I get from a database. When I click on Home I go to the database and get a new set of links: Home -- Link1 (id = 3), Link2 (id = 4), etc.

If I not have nothing from database then I show some page content.

Home -- Link1 -- Some Others

Page Content

How can I achieve this?

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We have had success using the MVC SiteMap project for breadcrumb navigation. If you cannot make use of this project directly for whatever reason, you could at least take a look at the source code to see how they implemented breadcrumbs.

The method that emits the breadcrumb navigation is: Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMapPath()

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