
In some of the previews, there was an HTML-helper method for building mailto-links.

I am not able to find that in the final release. Am I missing something?

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I know they removed some of those HTMLHelpers from the final version. That might be one of them. Previews are generally notorious for changes. You might want to look at the MvcFutures project.


Check the MvcFutures assembly. I don't remember seeing it in either of the Release Candidates, but I believe it's in Futures. Source for 1.0 (and futures) available at

Quite a few features that were in ASP.NET MVC were moved into MVC Futures for one reason or another. Most was due to incompleteness before the RTM. However I don't know why Html.Mailto would have been left out.

You can use @Html.DisplayFor such as @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => Model.emailAddress) and it will produce an email link.

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