
I'm looking for a IRC client library/script written in PowerShell. The goal is to replace a Perl script that uses Net::IRC to communicate with a MindAlign channel.

SmartIrc4net will do in a pinch, but I'd rather have a pure implementation for simplicities sake.



This PowerShell command creates a bot named monitor that conencts to the given IRC server. It then specifies its body in a scriptblock, specifying to pipe all messages to the parent command. The output is then piped to Select-String (sls) to grep for "amazing."

.\Run-IrcBot.ps1 monitor ircserver channel { if ($message.Text) { "/pipe " + $message.Text } } -Silent | sls amazing

I was looking for a way to make IRC bots in PowerShell to run commands on demand. Didn't find something easy so I wrote my own little framework. A single-file download allows you to make fully-interactive IRC bots!

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