
I've used Aptana for a good number of web projects and like it a lot. I've also used CodeIgniter for a couple projects and liked it, as well. Now I'm hoping to combine the two in a happy marriage of cross-platform productivity. Any advice on setting up Aptana's more useful features? I'm hoping to get any of the following:

  • Code completion
  • Functional built-in previewing
  • Debugging

If completely infeasible, what IDE would you suggest? Generic Aptana PHP setup tips would also be welcome, as they might guide me toward the ideal setup.

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I would install Aptana as an Eclipse plug-in. Allows you to latter down the road install GWT or Flex with no fuss. Plus, Aptana as a plug-in has worked much better for me. Both in terms of stability and of usability.

I used to have Aptana crash on me every two days and since I'm running Eclipse with Aptana as a plug-in it never again crashed.

Eclipse with Aptana as a plug-in also has some handy features, like spell-checking, that Aptana did not have and has greatly improved my comments. That said, I must agree with you on the great level of detail and attention Aptana team has put in their software.


i have found the solution for this in codeigniter forum.

I came up with a slightly “safer” solution. rather than modifying the system files, create a folder called “autocomplete” (or whatever name you want)



then create a file (in autocomplete) called controller.php with the code below (class CI_Controller etc) . then copy this file and with the name model.php and change the class in that file to CI_Model. Aptana then uses these to remap it’s autocompletion. Just add any more functions you want autocompletion for for each file. (for instance i added CI_Cart which wasn’t in the original example in that link

(Note currently this only gives autocomplete for Models and Controllers. I guess if you’re extending other Classes and need autocompletion in those you’ll need to make a new file in the autocomplete folder with a list of all the classes that you want that class to see)

class CI_Controller {

  * @var CI_Config
 var $config;
  * @var CI_DB_active_record
 var $db;
  * @var CI_Email
 var $email;
  * @var CI_Form_validation
 var $form_validation;
  * @var CI_Input
 var $input;
  * @var CI_Loader
 var $load;
  * @var CI_Router
 var $router;
  * @var CI_Session
 var $session;
  * @var CI_Table
 var $table;
  * @var CI_Unit_test
 var $unit;
  * @var CI_URI
 var $uri;
  * @var CI_Pagination
 var $pagination; 

 * @var CI_Cart
var $cart;


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